I'm hoping you forgot the /s, but just in case you're not from the US: no, it's built into almost every financial institution's terms and conditions, at least in my experience. I had to get my mother a pre-paid credit card because she would overdraft regularly, and the bank had no solution. The pre-paid just declines payment, like the good old days.
You may also want to consider other game systems that have much less emphasis on role playing and are primarily strategy-based, such as Battletech.
You owe thousands of golden retrievers an apology--that breed especially is about unconditional love.
Meanwhile, I've been rewatching "Andromeda" and to see Sorbo before he went total dickwad breaks my heart.
And there it is...
Northeast USA, 41 years old at the time (50 now), previous car to current one was a manual Honda Civic because it was what we could afford. My husband took me to a parking lot to show me the basics on a Saturday (he'd learned to drive on a stick shift), then off I went to work that Monday.
NGL. first month I cried a lot because I stalled out often, especially between first and second gear. After a while, though, I grew to love the control--especially in winter conditions--and that I could now drive any car. Eventually, the transmission burnt out, and we got a hybrid C-Max, which is nice, fuel-efficient, but I would drive another manual again if given the opportunity.
I recommend subscribing to the Cats community--high volume of posts to break up the feed wall of the Pissed-Off Cheeto.
I'm rewatching it right now and enjoying it. The characters are well-written, the principals were cast well, a lot of recognizable "B" and "C" actors make cameos, I honestly think some of the CGI still works (fight me).
I think I killed some brain cells reading this article, but I'm glad you posted it, thank you!