As long as you download it now, then you can keep the game as long as you're a member of PS+. So if you even think you might play it in the future, download it now. Once it rotates off the subscription, then it won't be available for download anymore (but people who already downloaded it can keep it).
MS should have allowed them an exception to leave the split screen coop mode out of the Series S version (how many people will even use that feature?)
Even if they manage to get it working, this game will now come out later on Xbox, even though it's not a timed exclusive. So in effect MS is just handing Sony a free timed exclusive for no good reason, because they stubbornly insist on complete feature parity between XSX and XSS.
As we get further and further into this console generation, this is going to happen more and more due to the XSS's lower horsepower. Microsoft needs to reevaluate their policy for feature parity.
Definitely need to check this one out. Larson in general is such a great author (at least to me) because he tells the personal stories of people involved in history that a really make it interesting.
If you haven't read it, I'd also recommend "In the Garden of Beasts", also by Larson. It's about the American Ambassador to Germany and his family living through the rise of Nazi Germany and how surreal the entire thing is.
I guess I'm just frustrated because people have constantly told me to join a small instance and not overload the big ones. But then when you join a small instance, it gets botted exactly because it's small and the admins don't have the resources. So now I am back to square one! I don't have loyalty to any particular instance, I just want to see everything from everybody, and it feels like it shouldn't be this difficult. Sorry for venting.
I have an account with Rammy that I had created specifically because I wanted to be able to interact with both Beehaw and Lemmy.World. It is so hard to find an instance that lets me interact with both, because Beehaw keeps defederating things. Does anyone have any advice on an instance I can join which federates with both Beehaw and, and isn't going to get on Beehaw's defederating list in a week?
The development of this game makes construction of a nuclear power plant look timely and cheap.
Pence is a religious zealot, and I think he believes God is calling him to run, so he doesn't care what the polls or common sense seem to say. He believes that somehow God's plan will work out. We'll see how that goes for him...
What's sad is that back in the old days of Reddit, Reddiquette was actually a thing and people followed that rule more. In recent years, though, it feels like Reddiquette is completely dead.
Post any kind of dissenting opinion and you'll get downvoted into absolute oblivion. And I'm not just speaking about politics. You can write a well thought out comment in any sub that goes against the grain, and the culture is just totally to downvote for disagreement. I think my most downvoted comment of all time on Reddit was on r/juicing when I questioned whether carrot juice was actually effective for depression lol.
Still better than Reddit
Can anyone tell me what the "196" community is? If I sort my feed by All, it gives me a ton of memes from there but I can't tell what it is.
Yeah, the niche subreddits are what I really hate to leave behind. I could care less about leaving r/politics, r/AskReddit, etc. But I'll miss r/EtrianOdyssey (niche video game series).
But we'll just have to create these communities on Lemmy. I'm in it for the long haul.
It's astounding that Prigozhin was so naive as to think that he could attempt a coup against Putin, and then simply retire in exile to Belarus. Everybody knew something like this would happen, except Prigozhin himself apparently. People have suffered 'unfortunate accidents' at the hands of Putin for far less.