fixed, thanks
- Music - Auxio
- Gallery - Aves
- Launcher - CLauncher
- Keyboard - FUTO Keyboard (not open source, commercial use prohibited)
- Budget tracker - Buckwheat
- Instant Messaging - Cheogram (probably I'll switch to monocles chat) and FluffyChat
- TTS - SherpaTTS
- File manager - Material Files
All the apps except SherpaTTS supports Material 3 colours.
EDIT: fix Sherpa link EDIT 2: fix auxio link
Enta Auth - MFA
hey its Ente Auth. Ente comes from a malayalam work എന്റെ which means mine. Source: https://ente.io/blog/ducky
Oh sorry, I thought by majority you meant the people around you, not the people in this community.
By majority, do you mean the people in the US? If not, please ignore the rest of this comment. People from US in the fediverse and on corporate social media sometimes assume everyone on earth lives in the US. Related post: https://fe.disroot.org/@DavidB@firefish.social/posts/AZRx7njZJE1vq6fHE0
Probably not, it's named unpopular opinion anyways :)
It's sad to see this is an unpopular opinion (context from the community rules: if you agree that the opinion is unpopular give it an arrow up. If it's something that's widely accepted, give it an arrow down.)
disroot and autistici have been providing decentralised communication services (like email) free of cost for many years. They are both run by activists and survive on donations, and they don't spy on you or get any money from your data. Also they run freedom-respecting software, so all their code is publicly auditable.
"Respect your elders, because they are always right"
alt text
Post by stimmyabby:
Sometimes people use “respect” to mean “treating someone like a person” and sometimes they use “respect” to mean “treating someone like an authority”
and sometimes people who are used to being treated like an authority say “if you won't respect me I won't respect you” and they mean “if you won't treat me like an authority I won't treat you like a person”
and they think they’re being fair but they aren’t, and it’s not okay.
End of post.
Reply post by do-as-youre-told:
This is so well put I am stunned
Source: flyingpurplepizzaeater
End of reply post.
There's paperd.ink introduced some years back at IndiaFOSS
It's sad that I recognise more than 30 of them even though I don't live in the USA