Starting at step 0 is an important part of the programming process
I didn't know that Google built encryption on top of the standard, I thought it was part of it.
Besides that though, Google would be making the dumbest business move if they didn't let Apple's potential RCS implementation talk to theirs.
Besides that, the point that RCS is still an open standard stands and should replace SMS just because of how archaic and old it is. Heck, there's still a character limit.
RCS is an open standard created by GSMA. That's why you're wrong.
RCS is an open standard created by GSMA, not a Google product. Google and Samsung just have the most popular "flavours" of RCS
They are but disposables are quite popular as well and are getting more popular (higher margins I guess).
I updated as soon as I could. I've loved it since day one and now with Copilot it's even better. I love it.
Yeah, I recently did it for a lab and it was... interesting.
My Ubuntu VM wasn't particularly great either but it was the one that my uni provided
You opened up Pandora's box. There's no closing it.
My brain can think logically (like mathematical logic) but I have minimal practice. I'm not an amazing coder but I can get by.
The issue is content. Sites like daily motion didn't have the content to bring in the user base. No users means less incentive to make content means less incentive to make content for it, means less users and so on... that's the real reason no one's got competition
There's a European store near my house called wedel lmao. I'll see if they have it there
Meat heist is unironically a real thing