Louder for those in the back.
What, you'd take a personal check from that guy?
Fezzes are cool now.
Aw, that's cute. Little hologram and everything.
I know it's the epitome of privledge to say this and I know it can be impossible for a lot of people for any number of reasons...
If you are a woman of childbearing age and are, or even plan to be pregnant, run as fast as you can away from these states.
There was a time, not long ago, when birthing children was potentially dangerous or even fatal without modern medical care. By outlawing that care, you're taking a hard dive right back into those medieval conditions. Woman can, will, and are dying because of these laws. It's horribly, horribly, horribly wrong, and I hope it gets reversed soon.
But until then? Run.
I wonder how he lost so much control of his company.
Maybe he'll tweet and tell us?
I don't think I have any actual friends that believe this nonsense, and I purged my Facebook in 2016. The challenge I'm having now is not blowing up my business relationships because, no matter who the president is, I still need to work.
It's the holidays, so 10% off your bribe to Justice Thomas if you bring a canned good.
Just kidding. That asshole gets full fucking price to sell out.
Take that shit back to Twitter, dude.
Maybe he can be America's Mulch Mayor at Four Seasons Landscaping to earn some of that money.
These are literally grown adults that believe in magic. There's not going to be any reasonable explanation that will make any sense to anyone outside of their cult.
She is a sinner so she must endure her divine punishment. That's the whole argument.
Wow, what a victory. This was definitely a much better outcome than trying to create bipartisan border legislation. Or, like, I don't know, a budget?