Lockpicking is not a crime!
Chainmail. Serves as a faraday cage. Also defends against physical attacks.
I worked in a Costa del Mar warehouse once. The generic shades were $20, and right next to the brand name shades ($200). The brand name might have had some invisible enhancement, but they looked exactly the same to me besides the logo embossed into them. Both were polarized and mirrored exactly the same way.
What I'm saying is this: buy cheap generic ones. If you must have that logo, glue one on or something. I don't understand brand worship.
She might get mad if you tell her this, but maybe you want some time to yourself. It's what I usually want on my birthday.
The problem is, where do we start? We've been, er, "taking the L" for so long, when are we going to start giving the L?
I've got great news for you. You can create the same community on any instance you like.
"If those kids could read they'd be very upset" meme
Thank you for leading me to find this book. I will enjoy reading it.
"I don't personally understand it, therefore God did it" (Argument from Ignorance, or God of the Gaps fallacy)
I hear this with regard to evolution, chemistry, bacteria, weather. They don't know how something works, that's proof enough for them. Eventually they say "then how was the universe created? There had to have been a creator!" (First cause argument) Or "The eye is so complicated, it had to be designed" (Watchmaker Fallacy)
I used to listen to The Atheist Experience podcast, but it got repetitive hearing the same arguments from religious people, over and over. I also didn't like how mean the hosts could get sometimes, but I understand their frustration..
Places of employment are a dictatorship with strong coercion to behave as though you do not have freedom.
(I have to caveat this thing I say all the time, "a job is like slavery" because someone always pops in to let me know I could leave my job any time... )
The Human Claymore