Same here, android 12, oppo CPH2135
J'aime bien faire des mots en croix dans les cagoinces. Victoire donc incontestable de Big Mots En Croix
mon temps optimal de défécation.
Seems I gotta try KOReader then, thanks!
Mine is a 2E, the only less-sluggish thing I found I could do was to limit the number of books on it, which seems ridiculous because I have zero PDFs, only epubs & barely using 2.3GB out of 16, and what does it have to do with page turns anyway ?
Ah, it'll remind me of the times I "hacked" my kindle just to display the cover of The Hitchhiker Guide To The Galaxy :)
House exploding into applause at the end of the show you worked hard on
Guaranteed weak-knee, must-hold-to-my-console moment
It's my only ereader after owning a paperwhite for years. Yeah, it's inferior. It sometimes doesn't register ~~a~~ several good, honest tap or swipes to turn pages ; it's having hard time making a difference between a swipe to change illumination and one to highlight text ; and sometimes you see some shadow text from other pages on your current page
But kobo do sell some books without DRM, you can sideload without even using calibre, and, most importantly, it's not an amazon product
26 février - c'est le cut-off que vous verrez si vous allez sur votre compte
Autre source (merci... hexbear 😈🤣):
Any windows power user or dev on a mac can follow a wiki, read a bit and learn.
Good for beginners? I didn't describe a beginner right here. Anybody with experience in computing will find arch straightforward and satisfying. Heck, a CS student would probably go through a first install process faster than I do after 5 years.
What are the concept involved? Partitioning, networking, booting... These are all familiar fields to tons of very normal computer users.
Arch can be a good first distro to anyone who knows what a computer is doing (or is willing to learn)
Just by itself ; I checked KOReader on my phone & wasn't convinced enough to install it on my reader which, beside being that, just works with Calibre from several linux machines (and I don't mind reading PDFs on my phone, it's always user manuals and I need fluid zoom + screenshots for diagrams and stuff like that).
Dans de la S-F bien grasse, qui fatigue peu les circonvolutions: j'attaque le tome 3 de "Embers of wars" par G L Powell, les pages se tournent gentiment d'elles-même. Ça n'a pas la profondeur de contexte géopolitique de The Expanse mais on a envie de savoir comment ça finit.
Tiens j'en profite pour signaler que le premier tome de la série "Honor Harrington", On Basilisk Station, est gratuit pour l'instant (chez kobo). Ça tombe bien car si l'on aime bien son Space Opéra avec des petits soldats dedans, c'est très bien On Basilisk Station ; on a un contexte complexe, un rapport de forces tordu, une situation désespérée - assez bien foutu. Si c'est gratuit c'est bien sûr parce que c'est le tome d'ouverture d'une (longue) série qui, elle, vaut beaucoup, beaucoup moins la peine. Oh ça ne s'effondre pas immédiatement, ça reste haletant un bout, puis ça tourne au ridicule, hélas. En gros, sans spoiler, on passe de Full Metal Jacket (in space) à ...Sissy l'impératrice (in spaaaace). Dommage, mais on peut lire le premier, il est très bien et finit sans cliffhanger vers la suite.
I have kept à disconnected kindle for a few years after I completely stopped using amazon for anything - today I wouldn't even be seen with one as carrying one is a bit like advertising for the company
These are the best ereaders period, my kobo Clara 2e is sluggish, night mode is shit, USB connection to Calibre is "when I want, if I want"... But I'm not a billboard for that business. Too bad, really good devices, and hurray for all the people who will enjoy them away from amazon
...That's where I stopped reading this.