I'm on 13. I just turned off mobile data and I am able to turn on the hotspot.
joined 2 years ago
My old 3a and my current 5a can hotspot anytime I want. You must be buying carrier locked phones.
Did you buy your Pixel directly from Google? If you got it from your cell carrier, they probably have the option to lock certain settings. I have a Pixel 5a from Google and I can tether all I want.
Those 2 things are the only reason I've stuck with Fi for his long. The deprioritization at crowded events is pretty annoying sometimes.
Thanks for the list. Does anyone know of an addon with functionality similar to RES? I really miss expandos and neverending reddit/ infnite scroll. I would also like a way to highlight links that go to another site vs images that just open here.
There's SO FUCKING MANY of them!