Why my favorite mouse company gotta start with this bullshit. GOT-DAMN!
Blizz really went downhill after they sold out.
How those cars that fucked up on a city street like that? Chronic speeding and distracted driving are a stupid combo.
Frozen or on-the-rocks?
Absolutely, especially the rhetoric about the election being decided already. I don’t believe an ounce of it and will vote just like I always do.
Anyone think a failed trump assassination attempt by Iran would be worse than a successful one?
Smartphones, tablets, and general increased screen time.
Hell yeah, more Wendell.
Yeah, there’s a bunch of DCs in Vegas.
Not often you get to see the clown take off their makeup.
Radiation is theft seems to be far more popular. They demonize it all in all cases. Entirely brainwashed without thinking about the services that benefit them. sigh
“But the horse gets it too” really sends it for me.