You'll also be able to get those side quests done much faster after you get your horse.
In that case, I don't think it's fair to describe yourself as someone who "doesn't care". I think when you say that you don't care, it can come off as not caring if someone is being a piece of shit towards your gay friends. "I don't care if you're gay" can sound like "I don't care if you get antagonized for being gay", and I think the fact that you would stand up for your gay friends shows that you do care that they are gay, you care that that is seen as something worth standing up for and protecting. Saying you don't care is minimizing the extent to which you do care.
Seconding Oxenfree. It's one of the few multi-choice/multi-ending games where I was completely content with the ending I got, and didn't feel like the game ever lied to me or ripped me off for choosing the "wrong" thing. I had stayed away from it for so long because I wasn't ready to deal with choice anxiety that I get in a lot of games of that type, but for whatever reason, the game never made me feel like that.
In Breath of the Wild, I never learned how to cook in the starting area. I completely bypassed the intended path up to the cold area and somehow climbed up the other side, and then just froze my ass off while eating a bunch of apples. I made it out of the starting area and I think I beat two of the divine beasts before I finally looked up how to cook. I knew the game had cooking, but I thought there would be some kind of cooking menu when you walk up to a cooking pot, I didn't realize you had to just hold items and then drop them in.
I've heard that putting a bell and a bright, reflective collar on a cat can prevent them from hunting wildlife.
Does anyone know how true this is, or if doing so would negate some of the risks of having an outdoor cat?
I think my favorite thing I saw was the Opera GX Twitter account changed their pfp to two men kissing in their logo. On one hand it was just a silly meme, but it also made me think how the rainbow logos have become just a standard thing that no one really cares about after so many years. The rainbow has very little to do with what homosexuality actually is, it's just a flag. I get that the flag holds a lot of meaning, but I'd love it if this caught on and eventually all the logos during pride month featured same-sex couples kissing or hugging or getting married, actual representations of gay people rather than just the rainbow.
I happen to be suffering from a sore throat right now from horrible allergies, so I'll have to remember to try this as soon as I get home.
As far as other pickled things, I ironically hate pickled cucumbers, but I love pickled eggs and pickled garlic and have been curious to try some other unconventional pickled foods.
i’ll eat the tails on shrimp.
I thought I was the only one. I've never met anyone else who does this, and everyone thinks I'm a freak when they see me do it.
I'm assuming you've had pickled garlic, then? I just picked up 2 jars of it recently. I have to stop myself from eating too much sometimes. Raw garlic is great for me when I have a bad cold and need to clear out my sinuses.
I could imagine the sweet and salty goes well together. I like when a charcuterie has a nice jam and brie. A cracker or piece of bread with brie, prosciutto, and jam, I could eat so many of those.
Can you explain why you believe that?
That never made sense to me. X is the shape of two people hugging and O is the shape of pursed lips.