When you watch the video at the 7:17 timestamp, the front tyres are moving faster than the ground under them. This can easily happen with rear (powered) tyres (i.e., "burning rubber", "peeling out", etc.). But how can the front tyres go faster than the ground is making them move?
Yeah, but I'd rather not change it because I am pretty sure there are some devices in the house where I set up static IP addresses. I try not to do that, but over the years, I am pretty sure there are at least a couple. Heh, maybe a good time to seek them out!
Let's see if I got this... great idea to disable DHCP on the new OPNSense for now. I forgot about that. Just keep the one LAN cable going in, and I will just keep the IP address as it is right now (.79). Not even worry about the WAN port at all. Set up all of the features, including things like reserved IP addresses and whatnot. Then, when I am ready to drop it in, I will turn the old router off, and on the new router set up a static IP on the LAN port (.0.1) and add the WAN port (DHCP). Drop it in place, turn on DHCP and I'll be good to go.
That's a great point. I think I am of the mind that it doesn't need fixing. I also do not like penalties after the race. So just let it be. If once a year a team figures out a way to exploit this, then so be it.
I thought it gave an interesting twist too. I guess I would feel different if I wasn't a RB fan. Hard to say.
One other possibility comes to mind. What if there are no rule changes, but instead if the stewards think a team might try to take advantage of this, they decide at race time to hold their ruling disclosure until after the race?
That was it! Thanks :)
That makes sense. It was a red-orange slow-ish fire. Still not good. If it is just a seal, and as long as everything was still lubricated, I suppose it could probably be rebuilt.
Another famous one.... bookstores make a lot of people need to poop. https://www.buzzfeed.com/farrahpenn/urge-to-poop-in-bookstore-mariko-aoki-phenomenon