SGEs are forbidden from this kind of conflict of interest. Wonder how they will spin this.
Not as long as the cargo railroad companies hold all the power. America needs an alternate timeline with no fascism, sane governance, and making all railroads public.
Many of their FWD V6 vehicles had this asinine fate.
I’ve quite literally drank Flint water. Not for a humble brag (far from it) but I really hate that they became some kind of trope. They have needed help for decades and could have recovered faster if America ever cared about people. Good people there. Shitty America management. It’s like they keep them down for the Internet points.
As for municipal water. Stop by Altoona, Iowa sometime and drink their water. It’s just so terrible. Ground water full of stuff they can’t filter at scale. I don’t hate them for it, it’s what they can suck out of the ground, for maybe a few more years before it becomes brine.
It is hard to produce drinking water that is safe, and also tastes good. Is my global point.
Personal filters can improve that. Otherwise, buying water just leads us to a human future that is by far the worst reality we could ever impose upon ourselves.
Edit: TL;DR: bad tasting municipal water isn’t a conspiracy. It’s just the reality you have to work with at the time.
And Al Gore in 2000. 9/11 would have never happened and we'd have flying cars that could go through Stargates.
That's already existed for years:
They run a side-hustle of sometimes on-time airport shuttles (not armed.)
Have drank tap water across the US for decades. Some municipalities are crappier than others, but a fridge filter tank takes care of those places.
Why are people not freaking out?
The 88% that didn't vote for him are. US Governance is slow to react to anything and has yet to figure out this is a real problem, those that aren't bought and paid for by Orange Burger Troll.
The US has a lot of contributing factors that make it more difficult for individual citizens to react, so far.
- A lot of people can't just up and take time off work or they'll lose their jobs
- In America, losing your job means losing your health insurance. That means a $15 medication can suddenly be $600
- Many Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck, or worse, in arrears, and use payday loan companies to pay their bills and buy food
- Saw some metric a while back that credit card debt and services like Klarna were both on the uptick as people used them... to buy food.
- America is a vast country, 2,800 miles from east to west
- This makes it hard for the above people to just up and travel to the nation's capital to protest en masse
- People have been trying to protest at their local governments in-state, but the media is bought and paid for, so news of these protests is very limited in scope
Among many other reasons.
At least the 22% that voted for Orange Turdius.
I for one am very excited and sleep soundly now, knowing complete idiots are in control of the United States.
Amen. It’s necessary.