I guess if you have a new laptop, I can imagine that with newer kernels than what is debian based, that said before debian 12 recently came out. I'm personally a bit worried of recommending "corporate funded" distros, help me if I'm wrong, but what heppened with RHEL, I can't stop thinking it will happen with fedora.. It is just my opinion/fear
Imo, downvotes is just a disagreement. Being offended by it sounds like a "you" problem, we all have to deal with it.
Upvotes normally give me answers I need for at that moment. Downvotes makes me reassess myself.
I dont think you must read to much into the downvotes. Understand the situation why people might have downvoted you, understand why other people get upvoted, assess the situation. And most of all, understand that not everybody will always agree with you
Would start off with linux mint cinnamon edition, imo it is the easiest way to transition to linux, and dont be afraid to play around with linux. Go make mistakes, it is the best way to learn from
Osmand open source version does not support android auto
Thunder works for my as a android user. Early days though
I don't think it is necessary, as @navordar mentioned, just pick a smaller server, maybe have two or three accounts on different servers for now might work, unless you are willing to host an instance that will help grow the federated network.
Hosting your instance, might require some commitment, good admin skills and transparency. I am inspired how the arch Linux community handles their admin for projects, I believe whoever hosts a instance that follow the same philosophy, that instance might stay active for a very long time.
Even lemmy.word, at least for me, was difficult to join. I have a hard time to log into the account I have created there. I think we must understand this is not redit, the platform is fundamentally different how you approach it. The fuller the server gets, the more difficult it gets to get into your account.
I cant always afford to block all calls, so default I will use YACB, but also truecaller conjunction with it to Identify who called me, if the call wasn't blocked, from there I will determine if I want to block the caller or call them back
If you do use any debian distro, nala is a great way to update your packages.
I guess you can run fedora if you want full features of a laptop. Im currently running LMDE5, is rock solid for me this past 2+ years, upgraded seamlessly from LMDE4. I guess LMDE6 will be released soon after LM 21.2 is released. I do think that at the end of the day , whatever you choose, you can change your desktop environment so it suites you.
Atari, tanks