Why yes I do know him, he's me.
Autism or death? And she chose autism apparently.
The average person wouldn't give a flying fart in the wind if tax cuts were funded by eliminating red tape, and removing things that actually didn't make things safer, or more secure in availability. That said, I see no changes to medicaid to indicate things have gotten better for serving citizens, to me it looks like a Congress that is only useful to pass budgets, is cutting essential services and this is a recreation of Ronnie Reagans tax cuts that left mentally ill individuals to fend for themselves and die under a bridge from pneumonia. But, you have to understand Ronnie was fighting the soviets so your uncle that worked for 40 years paying into the system before their sanity shattered certainly didn't mind losing their housing and begging just to put a warm meal in their belly. Let alone the potential fall out from cutting red tape that is there to protect people, and literally ANYONE that wants to bypass it is either making working conditions, products safety, and/or public safety worse. This should make it apparent to the average person the Republican party is NOT your friend. And they are no more patriotic than any idiot that can drape themselves in the flag while "born in the USA" plays over the PA.
And I just want everyone to do to the global elite what they have done to us. Or hate them as much as they hate us, tho idk if the average person is capable of that level of disgust at their common person.
That entirely depends on the historians that survive.
If you are in the position to do so. Go buy a tent and give it to a homeless without one.
You gotta get em fixed, and pure titanium chain is only thing that will hold em, not a good breed for apartments.
This verbal smack down could have been avoided had he read probably anything about her from online and didn't only know her because she dated a Foosball player.
Me forgetting AI can be used for such things: "dang that was a well written email, and how clever to turn it into a bullet point so quickly, better up my game..."
Hey Secret Service, FBI, CIA, doj, NSA, and that one dude that has access to everything and no one seems to have figured it out yet. I bet you did NAZI that coming...Am I right lol.
Something something taxation without representation something revosuiton something
If a golden age starts, it's with destruction and not an election. The Dark Ages started with the fall of the Eastern Roman Empire. The Golden Age started with the fall of Western Roman Empire. Not Istanbul, but Constantinople. The fall of western Rome sent the highly educated people as refugees into the rest of the world where they started writing, reading, and making art. So... Are they excited for the coming destruction, or did I miss a great nation falling and highly educated refugees piling up...