The same thing that would happen if small anything would pass through human body.
Yes, i meant real world, and the real world IS boring. You wanted to kick around, but instead you're just held, and then they can do anything to you, in a really "unbalanced" manner
Oh, surely before 2014
Mmm, sexy Orange Birch Bolete!
Then "Batman: The Archam asylum" and other similar games could be good for you: you drop in the middle of a group, and distribute it evenly around adjacent walls
then you pull them one by one. Imagine that situation in real life - there are 5 thugs sipping beer from 40 oz bottles standing in a circle. You pull them one by one by standing 5,99 m from one of them, to make him aggro. His eyes turn red, he walks in your direction, and the others are like:
-where did Mike go?
- I don't know, but his forehead vein was dilated! He is so jumpy recently, I think he needs therapy
(you repeat that three more times)
Nope. Ok, a "protagonist might connect one hit, knocking out one attacker. Then, half a second later, six bodies (including the kbocked down person, pile up on the protagonist. Yes, they don't use any special moves, they just get on top. That's it.
To want what?
Why the fuck is he in Russia?
Shitpost is one of the best Sublemmys (is it sublemmys? I don’t know how to call 'em) there, Itcs not a niche place for shitposting, but more of a balanced standalone community!
18/43 gud, can confirn. one of the best experiences ever
Oh, so it's also in a town across the river from Poland, nice touch