Be careful about mentioning who you bank with on the internet, using an account that anyone can browse your comment history.
I might be the only one, but I really liked the ending of Mass Effect 3. I appreciated that at the end, there are things that you can't save, all the choices you've made in aggregate sometimes don't make the difference you think they will, and at this grand level, maybe nothing you do will feel like the 'right' thing to do. I thought there was a really unique, deep sort of meta-philosophy about that.
I also played the games back-to-back over the course of a few weeks, not as they were released. Part of me wonders if it would be possible to have an ending to the trilogy that satisfied the sort of player who played the games over the long arc of their release and spent years casting their imaginations toward an ending.
I think that gold one with the body kit actually looks really cool
Shortspine thornyhead grow slowly and have long lives of possibly up to 80 or 100 years. The females grow to larger sizes than the males, reaching sexual maturity at approximately 18 cm (7.1 in), or when they are 8 to 10 years old. The females are fertilized internally and extrude the fertilised eggs in pelagic, gelatinous masses.
There are good RSS reader web browser extensions. Firefox has a few. Check out Feedbro.
Cool, I'll check this out! I assumed that since it was branded as 'like a dragon', it had the turn-based combat style, but it doesn't, which I think is good. Turn based combat in Yakuza doesn't look very fun so I've been avoiding those titles.
A Yakuza game set during the Meiji Restoration would slap.
It makes delicious cheese. Pasturisation kills bacteria and denatures enzymes that are helpful in making good cheese. After proper aging, it's safe to eat. Parmigiano Reggiano is made with unpasturised milk.
ITER seems interesting to me. What gets you excited about ITER? Seems to me that their operational timeline is so far in the future, and the outcomes are unknown. As an engineering artifact, I understand its boner factor. From a broader human achievement standpoint, I can't really see what all the buzz is about. I want to learn and try to understand.
Not sure where you are, but where I live, college and community radio stations are still old school, and very worth listening to. Most if not all now stream online too, so, they're around if you're looking for that hit of the olden times.
Thanks for posting this. I was wondering about a way to filter posts.