When did Nirvana become classic rock?
Just wait until your first student dies
I hear this question being asked more frequently
Throw it away and start again
Yup. Also, writing is completely non-linear. It's not like grade school, where you take a blue book and a pencil and "write an essay" from beginning to end in an hour.
Hopefully they don't still teach writing the way I was taught in the 1930's.
Your thinking is only as good as your writing
Be the change you want to see in the world. Don't let your dreams be memes
You could just call it New Australia anyway. Double up and change your maps. Apparently nothing stops you
Whoever dismantles the pre-existing structure will be the one who will have the chance to rebuild it. This is the entire reason they are doing it. Great if you share their vision. Not so much if you don't.
If something is broadly applicable doesn't that mean it can apply to several specific situations?
that's a lot of arguments