Nice blog!
Really enjoy that you rough cut the case, but got the job done. Great to see people not afraid to try something!
Nice blog!
Really enjoy that you rough cut the case, but got the job done. Great to see people not afraid to try something!
And its cheaper to watch someone do it. Quality timber and tools are expensive.
Experienced a river flooding due to excessive rainfall. Both on a small scale on a camping where some tents floated away, which was kind of funny because the owners had warned not to pitch the tents to close to the river.
More recently witnessed a large scale flooding last winter when large parts of the rhine flooded. There were no casualties in my region, but the damage was quite severe. Very sobering to see the death toll in the upstream regions. Also the impact to agriculture and infrastructure, with frequent rain keeping the ground fully saturated for months al the way up to summer.
Water is so vital for human civilization, and yet also very dangerous.
In the long history of China, every great dynasty that fell was due to a peoples uprising. When the CCP came into power, it was due to a peoples uprising. They want control over people to prevent another one.
I am not sure that this news relates to passing the content of telegram messages to any authority. If i read it correctly it is just about sharing personal information such as ip adress, phone number etc.
Robots able to do physical labor are complex. In the incredibly immense supply chain required to built them it will be possible to sabotage multiple sections.
Alse electronics can be hurt in ways that biology is immune. Mostly electromagnetic warfare, like signal jammers etc.
I prefer not using violence. However, if the owner class is unable to care for the rest of us, we will have to take matters into our own hands.
Why is it possible for a company to sue a union? Everyone should have a right to unionize and strike.
Not going to happen without breaking the current treaties. And for all the headlines, there is very little actual plans presented by the current dutch right wing government. Making such wild moves impossible if they dont want to do anything incredibly stupid.
Just like regular bikes, it depends on how the bike and car lanes are layed out. If you keep them seperate the bike is unlikely to be hit.
Except wolfram alpha is able to correctly explain step by step solutions. Which was an aid in my education.
Very nice picture!