Autobesity: More than 150 car models too big for regular UK parking spaces
News/Interesting Stories/Beautiful Pictures from Europe πͺπΊ
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Also check out !yurop@lemm.ee
You could always tax by emissions and weight. EVs are not really the solution to the general car problem anyway. Mass transit is, at least in cities and other densely populated areas.
I think we agree but I still need to point out: Individual transport will always be a requirement for living in rural areas. The βfuck carsβ sentiment only makes sense in cities with more than ~3 million inhabitants.
While I agree with the sentiment on cars in the city, I'd say that it is already viable in much smaller cities. I live in a city with 350k inhabitants and I'm doing quite well without a car.
For sure. But forbidding cars doesn't make sense until you have several millions of people in a single city.
What are you smoking lmao, do you seriously think anything below 3 million people is rural?
rural is when it takes you an hour to reach the nearest grocery store by car.
That's not rural, that's ultra remote wilderness. Like what place doesn't have a grocery store in a 100km radius? Some place deep in the Australian outback?
i'm very curious what on earth your definition of rural is then, your parent's backyard?
My definition of rural is a place with some semblance of human habitation that is not urban. A speck of land characterized by villages, farms or forestry. Where you have limited access to the amenities found in cities.
However, what village does not have a grocery store? Or at least not one in the next bigger village?
Do you have some examples of villages without a grocery store an hour of driving away?
Village of ~10k, nearest grocery store is 25min walk, 10min bike, 5min car.
There are also three smaller stores a 2 min walk away. Europe for reference
I sincerely doubt there is a a place in Europe outside of maybe remote Scandinavia or Russia where you can't get to a grocery store after driving for an hour.
3 million is gigantic! The country I'm in currently barely has that many people
You can do car-free at any size if its planned right.