The bully has continuously won the last 500 years or so and it was us (especially the us in the UK). But we have some redemption to do and should try to be on the good side of history for once.
In fact yes. Marx was quite insisting that communism would only come about after an extensive period of capitalism and that mostly rural countries like his contemporary Russia could not leap-frog to communism. Later he back-tracked a bit, but never fully. But it basically just shows that his idea of economic and material determinism is quite silly and many of his contemporary anarchists also told him so, which he got extremely angry about.
Well, even recent history disagrees with that last sentence (Libya and quite a few other countries), but as for Ukraine you are likely right.
You might be interested in the balcony gardening community here, much of it can also be done indoors near a window (or in a growth tent with LED lights).
If it is an attic apartment you might also be able to install some solarpanels on the roof.
But in general Solarpunk isn't primarily about growing plants and solarpanels, that's just the maybe most visible part of the aestethics.
Much like punk culture in general it about all sorts of anti-consumer and DIY culture as well as connecting with others for mutual aid and disaster preparedness.
Und da sind wir genau bei der Naivität die du der Linken unterstellst, aber die ehr auf dich zutrifft.
Wer hätte das denn bitte machen sollen? Mit Waffenlieferungen alleine geht das nicht.
Das war ziemlich schnell klar und die die immer Waffenlieferungen als alternativlos bezeichnet haben und sich jeglichen Verhandlungen verweigert haben sind mindestens so sehr an dem jetzt vermutlich von aussen aufgezungenden Diktatfrieden schuld wie Trump.
Leider gibt es von solchen extreme naiven Leuten hier in der Community noch einige andere, die immer laut rumschreien aber überhaupt keine realistischen Vorschläge oder Ideen haben. Echt traurig.
That's my point. The original question is not a real either/or question. It's a leading question that pretends to be either/or.
Edit: looking at the down votes I think some people here really need to practise their reading comprehension.
Its not really an either or question, and if you explicitly want to ask that you should do so by asking something like "Should the UK support Ukraine against the objections of the US?" Or something concrete like that.
The way the current question is asked leads to the answer as expected as "support" is positively connotated and "maintain good relations" is ambigous and doesn't make the contradiction clear, hence people opting for the feel good answer of supporting Ukraine.
~~Wo siehst du wenn einen konstanten Trend nach oben für die CDU? Ich sehe klar eine Stagnation auf hohem Niveau, bis zum Juli 2022, und dann einen rapiden Abfall der die Verluste der SPD und Grünen sogar noch übersteigt und erst ganz vor kurzem und sich nur teilweise umgekeht hat.~~
Das Regierungsparteien wegen realpolitischen Kompromissen an Zustimmung verlieren ist ziemlich normal und könnte den Abstieg von SPD und Grünen erklären.
~~Das bemerkenswerte an deiner Grafik ist grade das die CDU als Oppositionspartei so stark betroffen ist.~~
Edit: Ah, sorry. Die Legende war so klein das ich sie nicht lesen konnte und ich habe die blaue Kurve für die CDU gehalten.
This is misleading and not supported by polls.
It is true that there has been a shift in traditionally more left leaning young voters towards the AfD, but that just means than they don't poll worse anymore that they do in the general public accross all age groups.
Fine, but such a result isn't exactly surprising with a leading question like that 🙄
Das mit dem Gaspreis (der ja auch wieder zurück gegangen ist) zu korrelieren halte ich für zu stark verkürzt. Ähnliches gilt für den Strompreis und ein Stückweit auch die Inflation allgemein. ~~Ausserdem erklärt es auch nicht wirklich warum die CDU ebenfalls betroffen ist.~~
Am ehesten sieht man einen allgemeinen Vertrauensverlust in die als systemstützend wahrgenommenden Parteien (SPD, CDU und Grüne).
Sorry, but as someone who had their vote suppressed this time due to impossible short mail voting times (and this not being the first time) I have to sadly disagree. If you live abroad and not somewhere close to an German embassy, voting is usually not feasible without a lot of time and money involved. And without residency in Germany you are also not automatically registered for voting.