That's weird because I just downloaded Chrome and it has access to all of that.
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That's weird because I just downloaded Chrome and it has access to all of that.
Have you looked at any other apps that have a document already? Maybe try to find one and copy that.
You might be better off moving your app to something like whatever category Firefox and chrome are in, as that’s essentially what lemmy apps are.
That's actually a great idea. I just checked, and it looks like a lot of the browsers fall under the Communication category, which should be fine for a Lemmy app also.
This was the answer! After switching categories, I am no longer required to conform to the new policy.
I’m glad I was able to help! Haha that usually doesn’t happen 😆
Man, Google really doesn't think anything through.
It's bots all the way down
i wonder how email apps are going to deal with this
You could ask ChatGPT or similar LLM to write one based on available info. I don't see those documents in Sync or Voyager for Lemmy. Unless, I missed them some place.
Please, for the love of god, don't use ChatGPT to write legal documents. And never, ever even think about doing this for something highly critical as child sexual abuse content. That can get you in real trouble.