Or even born the "right" gender but you're trans like Vivian Wilson.
That poor kid. She is a million times the person Musk will ever be. Classy, articulate, intelligent.
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Or even born the "right" gender but you're trans like Vivian Wilson.
That poor kid. She is a million times the person Musk will ever be. Classy, articulate, intelligent.
Which she sure didn't get from her dad.
Aren't you pretty much born trans? We have a rather poor understanding of why people are transgender, but AFAIK what we do know points to it being already determined at birth.
Yeah, that's the current scientific consensus.
For those who are unfamiliar with the science: Being trans is considered a developmental disorder nowadays. It is mostly likely due to an imbalance of sex hormones during fetal development. Basically the testes produce sex hormones which leads to the development of sex organs associated with one gender, but (for yet to be determined) reasons the same sex hormones do not affect the brain which thus develops into a different direction, thus creating the "gender incongruence" that affects trans people lateron.
my gender isnt wrong, its the society i was born into that is fucked
*in trump's USA
Don't worry, it won't last long.
What anime show is this?