Dragon Quest is can't-miss no matter what the number is, but 3 is the definitive retro JRPG and I can't recommend it enough.
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Chrono Trigger is a given. Xenogears is a close second, but that's one of those games you'll either really like or don't care much about. Personally, I only found the battle systems to be really lacking. The last thing I'll mention is pretty much every Dragon Quest, my favorites being 5 and 7. You can't go wrong with any of them, it's basically just a matter of how retro you'd like the game to be.
I really have to play Chrono Trigger at some point, heard way to often that it is a very good game. For Dragon Quest...was never really interrested in the style of these games, but i play maybe to upcomming remake/remaster of dragon quest 3. Just because it's more accesible for me.
Two I haven't seen mentioned are Illusion of Gaia and Super Mario RPG which is getting a remake soon.
In my brain, it seems to settle into two different categories. There are must-plays that I feel have aged well. Then there are the historically important games that may feel old: must-plays if you want to see where today's games came from.
Aged well
- Chrono Trigger
- Dragon Quest V
- Final Fantasy IV (PSP or Pixel Remaster version), Final Fantasy VI
- Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
- Tactics Ogre (Let Us Cling Together or Reborn)
Historically important
- Dragon Quest III
- Final Fantasy I, VII, Tactics
- Suikoden II (remaster coming soon!)
- Xenogears
- Ys I & II
And at the risk of dating myself, how old is retro exactly? I've seen some people call PS2 retro lately and that's just... 💀
Why do you thin the Final Fantasy games doesn't aged well? I played them i thought it's fine. Dragon Quest III gets a 2D HD version from Square, maybe that's a good version to play.
I think you can't specify wha'ts retro exactly, yes some see PS2 as retro and something like Final Fantasy X is a retro game.
The original has things like Vancian magic and older dungeon design. VII is super early 3D, and Tactics is missing newer SRPG undo features--can't even take back a move! Random encounters in general are a hangup for some, but that's in all of mainline FF before XII anyway (DQ5 on the first list also has them).
Not everyone will be bugged by these things, of course.
Omfg, SMRPG an absolute must! And no list is complete without Chrono Trigger.
I'd say FF7, FFT, Suikoden 2 and to a certain extent Xenogears are, if not actually in the aged well, then just outside it, but still 100% must play. I'd also like to put forward FF9, and the Jade Cocoon games for consideration.
As a soon to be old fart, I'm sorry to say that PS2 is well and truly retro now, hell, another 5-10 years and PS3 will count.....
You can look up lists for the definitive classics. I’ll throw in one of my personal favorites, Wild Arms. I still whistle the opening theme every so often.
The Legend of Dragoon
Front Mission 3
Final Fantasy Tactics
Parasite Eve I/II (they have rpg elements kinda)
Saga Frontier
Also just reiterating favorites from other comments:
Legend of Mana
Star Ocean: The Second Story
Chrono Trigger
The Legend of Dragoon
How could I forget that one!
Front Mission 3
Front Mission 4 too
Parasite Eve I/II (they have rpg elements kinda)
I more than II.
Valkyrie Profile
Tactics Ogre
Legend of Mana
Wild Arms 2
Star Ocean: The Second Story
Ohh i have played a Valyrie Profile in the past, but i can't remember which of them, it was on ps2. And played Valkyrie Profile Lenneth. Played Legend of Mana as well.
Any kind of Tactics Ogre is on my list, don't know if i choose the retro one. And for Star Ocean i go for the remakes. But I need to play Grandia...my sister played it and liked it. Need to give it a try.
Lenneth is the remake of the original; if you've played that, then you've had the experience. Such an odd atmosphere to the game. I love it.
As for Tactics Ogre, the old version has better face sprites (in my opinion), but a somewhat rougher translation (though it has its charms). The two remakes have good-but-not-as-charming face sprites, but a mostly better translation.
Grandia is very cheery, very 'high-adventure'. I have fond memories of it.
Oh, Vandal Hearts might be of interest too.
I loved The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past.
Absolutely adored that game.
I’d like to add the Trails in the Sky series to this list!
I’m currently playing the second one and enjoying it immensely.
I would say everyone should play the whole trails series. (if you have enough time). As someone said, it's unclear what's retro and what is not retro. I haven't seen trails in the sky as retro, but it's sure worthy fir discussion
Romancing SaGa 3. Non-linear, open world exploration with a great story!