Mitch McConnell:
United States | News & Politics
if she died while serving and not retired thats a bit too long
Yeah, she probably should have retired 20 years ago after 2 terms. She still would've been 70, which I think is borderline too old.
Is this the lady that got all pissy when a bunch of children asked her about climate change?
You got it
Question is how long ago did she die? How long is this been weekend at senate
You notice they still said nothing about her relinquishing her seat...
Her son Daniel will now take the seat as D. Feinstein
Yesterday. From the article:
She passed away Thursday night at her home in Washington, D.C.
How could they tell?
What’s this do the ballance of power in the Senate? Does this make Mitch McConnell majority leader until her successor is seated? Will the GOP control both houses of Congress, at least on paper, when the government shuts down?
The balance is exactly where it's been at. You could certainly make the case they had two majorities when they didn't bother to give their own employer money.
Pelosi's big plan to hold that seat until the election so Gavin Newsom couldn't put someone in temporarily which would hurt a corporate Democrats chance of getting in is dead.