Ultimate chicken horse is the go to game for my little ones! It's simple and great fun for multiplayer, but not much single player content.
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Super Mario Maker and Mario Kart 8 are pretty kid-friendly and you don't really need to understand the language after you find the play button.
Lots of great suggestions, but I'd like to add Captain Toad Treasure Tracker to the list. The puzzles are fun and they encourage you to think outside the box. Not too difficult and you don't really need to understand the language.
Super Mario 3D World is a great game with no important text!
Yeah, all Mario games are great. Mario Odyssey, Super Mario 3D World, New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe, all are good suggestion for a kid (and grownups)
Newer Super Mario Bros Deluxe, every Kirby game, Yoshi's Crafted World, Switch Sports, Fall Guys, Spongebob: Battle for Bikini Bottom.
Why don't you put the language of the switch to Swedish?
Not all games are translated to Swedish, sadly