Funny: Home of the Haha
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She wears to right chanclas? Look at her foot lol.
Edit: two
Her magic is lv 100. She can conjure throwing chanclas at will.
Nice catch. I'm guessing it's generated.
Are you doubting her? You know what that means...
I mean, if someone's going through the effort to set up a shot, it seems reasonable to grab another, especially if you consider you probably wouldn't succeed on the first shot.
Havainas are best chanclas.
Pretty much all I wear.
Oh right. I remember this scene from Kung Fu Hustle.
The wraith of the Chancla!
Why does she wear two right ones?
I threaten to throw my mouthguard at my sparring opponents
Emotional damage in, 3...2...1...
The classic "chinelada"...