Also an article with the same spirit as the post: Congress may let jet owners like Elon Musk block flight info
Climate - truthful information about climate, related activism and politics.
Discussion of climate, how it is changing, activism around that, the politics, and the energy systems change we need in order to stabilize things.
As a starting point, the burning of fossil fuels, and to a lesser extent deforestation and release of methane are responsible for the warming in recent decades:
How much each change to the atmosphere has warmed the world:
Recommended actions to cut greenhouse gas emissions in the near future:
Anti-science, inactivism, and unsupported conspiracy theories are not ok here.
"Have more kids to save the culture" seems 100% at odds with saving the planet, as does expending 51 tons of CO2 to make the statement.
If everyone lived like Elon the planet would be ruined and the only hope would be colonizing Mars...but there's no way to get everyone off the planet, especially if we have 11 kids each.
I just don't see a coherent ideology except "save the planet long enough for me to off it."
He probably doesn't think, deep down, that everyone should have 11 kids, or at least not thatceveryones 11 kids should be saved. Just the special (i.e. rich), elite (i.e. rich), and exceptional (i.e. rich) people.
Musk justifies his large number of children by appealing to a false conspiracy theory about whites being replaced by minorities. It's not pretty.
"look at me, I have the sex" - Elon musk
italians (and the japanese) can see through the bs all along
The great replacement theory has not taken hold there yet?
I never understand how the great replacement theory is supposed to work in an immigrant nation like the US. Don’t most Americans trace back to another place 2-3 generations back? Also, aren’t most immigrants (those from Latin America) 1. More likely to have (some) native roots, and 2. Likely to have settled in the Americas for a longer time (I.e. more generations).
That is, Americans are getting “replaced” by people that are more American.
Your problem is you're thinking logically. The people who subscribe to conspiracy theories like that either aren't skeptical enough to grasp how irrational it is or know it's bullshit and see it as a tool to push their fascist agenda.
Accepting that the US is a nation of immigrants means the American Fundamentalist religion is false, and the faithful can't allow that.
Yes, but those ‘more American’ people aren’t white. And that’s what matters to these chucklefucks. Never mind that they replaced the natives (violently) in the first place.
So really, what they fear is people doing to them what they did to others.
meh, i doubt so. The french has this Zemmour dude that keep bringing this up all the time, i hope they see through it too. For immigrants, France is just a transit zone.
Maybe i am wrong then. Also probably funded by imperialists. Politicians are pointless and will never fight corporate owners for the people. The middle man need to be cut and power should be controlled by the people directly. Retirees were already erased long time ago.
It is of course illegal for employers to hire unlicensed workers below minimum wage. So I guess he is in favor of better enforcement of existing labor laws? Oh wait no, they always claim to side with workers, but in reality extreme right wing is still mostly right wing.
Italy has no minimum wage. The idea is that you get unemployment benefits and just do not take really bad jobs.
I never understand how the great replacement theory is supposed to work in an immigrant nation like the US. Don’t most Americans trace back to another place 2-3 generations back? Also, aren’t most immigrants (those from Latin America) 1. More likely to have (some) native roots, and 2. Likely to have settled in the Americas for a longer time (I.e. more generations).
That is, Americans are getting “replaced” by people that are more American.
Maybe there’s an unspoken “Have more Italian children so we don’t lose out to immigrants” in there? After his publicity stunt going to the US southern border it’s certainly a possibility.
With Meloni maybe it's just spoken
I don’t know him or his politics. Is he populist/right wing?
She is.
She… sorry.
Shows you how much I know.
Fratelli d'Italia (Brothers of Italy) is the descendant of Almirante's Movimento Sociale Italiano (Italian Social Movement) who carried far right-wing politics into the Italian Republic after WWII and the Resistance. Fratelli d'Italia is as far right as it gets.
Thank you. I can’t imagine they don’t share some of the same views on the subject.
Also, “She”. TIL.
We're overpopulated, but fuck it. I hate condoms. I'm a rich asshole. I'll have eleven kids.
I mean "I am a rich asshole" is way better than what is potentially going on in Elon's head. Based on his character, it is more likely that he thinks he is the biggest genius Earth has ever seen and that he is doing the world a favor by reproducing.
Projected on X GQ in San Francisco.