It's a dagger that was made by elves, Galadriel.
Lord of the memes
The Lord of the rings memes communitiy on Lemmy. Share memes about Lord of the rings and be respectful.
Please don't use the E word, thanks. The preferred nomenclature is 'Firstborn of Iluvatar'. DEFINITELY NOT 'pointy ears'
These knife-eared snowflakes get whinier and whinier
Orcs aren't people.
Well I know who's next in line for a little chat.
Don't elves have a visceral hatred for orcs, what with them being originally elves brutally deformed and beaten into submission by Morgoth and all that ? If anything, most elves would like you a bit more for being racist towards orcs.
Elves are super racist toward pretty much every other race.
Whoa man. Keep those ideas back in the first age where they belong.
Are you suggesting that just because their ancestors were tortured beyond recognition that they are no longer worthy of basic rights?
That's definitely a hot take if I've ever seen one.
More or less a central pillar of the Mormon Church racism.
Orcs aren't people and I'm not afraid to say it.
Remember watching Fellowship as a teenager in 2001 (if you're a millennial) and thinking that Cate Blanchett was probably in her 50s? Yeah she was 31.
Elves made the sword in the first place...
Yeah and honestly that doesn't do much to silence the idea of racist origins funny enough.