Just police at wrong address, nothing to see here and you seen nothing.
For things that are "hmmm".
Rule 1: All post titles except for meta posts should be just plain "hmmm" and nothing else, no emotes, no capitalisation, no extending it to "hmmmm" etc.
That baby made threatening moves!
And that dog was there!
I don't think they're strong enough to open a fire door in the opposite direction
I was thinking some kinda wild freeze / thaw / freeze
On closer examination looks like door 1 held the water back until it burst and then either the force of water blew door 2 open or door 2 held until it burst later.
The water running on the floor tells me this.
My real guess is water. You have a flash flood river dumping several tons of water at those doors and I bet it crumples them just like that
Also the floor is wet.
Huh I guess you’re right, damn these old eyes
Shia Labeouf has escaped
Oh no, he isn't dead yet. Shia surprise!
"Doors Will Not Divide Us!"
"Godamnit, who asked for Kool-Aid again?!"
Oh yeeeeaaaaaaahh
Honey, the door is locked shut. We'll need to call the superintendent to come help us out, so I don't think you're going to reach that Taylor Swift concert.
Someone came unhinged, but not the doors.
I was thinking that cops used "the key to the city" but now that mention that it does look like water damage on the floors.
Well it's behind you at this point, so might as well go in.
"I'm the juggernaut, bitch!"
Looks like the Production release pipeline after the CEO presents the new ""requirements"" from the client...
It swings both ways. I was here yesterday and it swings both ways.
Has this ever happened to you?
Someone took that sign at the top too literally.
when you don't tip the delivery driver
when Shania says let's go girls!
That don't impress me much
It came in from our escape route. One of them found us... Those bits are what's left of the team stationed here.
It's up to us, or it leads the rest of them to the survivors. We kill it here.
Hulk turtle heading. Hulk need bathroom!
I'm the Juggernaut, bitch.
Hulk smash!
Grandma had to go watch bold and the beautiful, but doors were locked
make that days of our lives, and you'd have my gramma.. my mom, too, but we had a vcr and a second airing of it later in the day. gramma only had the one shot to watch it every day.
Yeah my grandma wouldn't miss a single episode. Every single time I came to visit after school she'd feed me, we'd play cards and then she went to watch bold and the beautiful and fall asleep in the rocking chair
I miss her so much
Pretty sure I saw this on r/weirdcore once, back in the day.