Tax exempt lol. Don't drive on tax fund built roads then.
Screenshots of people being insane on Facebook. Please censor names/pics of end users in screenshots. Please follow the rules of
That's one thing that the "taxes are theft" folks don't get.
Don't send your kids to school
Don't drive on roads
Don't receive mail
A thousand other things.
My two favourite articles on libertarian experiments gone horribly wrong:
The Rise and Fall of the “Freest Little City in Texas”: How a Libertarian Experiment in City Government Fell Apart Over Taxes, Debt, and Some Very Angry People
The Town That Went Feral: based upon A Libertarian Walks Into a Bear by Matthew Hongoltz
Some choice quotes:
“This is one of the worst things I’ve ever done,” she said of being mayor. “I’ve never dealt with such angry people. I’m washing my hands of everything. … I’m going to travel. I’m going as far away from Von Ormy as I can.”
Nearly everyone in town has an opinion on who’s to blame. But it’s probably safe to say that the vision of the city’s founder, a libertarian lawyer whose family traces its roots in Von Ormy back six generations, has curdled into something that is part comedy, part tragedy.
When a group of libertarians set about scrapping their local government, chaos descended. And then the bears moved in.
One woman, who prudently chose to remain anonymous save for the sobriquet “Doughnut Lady,” revealed to Hongoltz-Hetling that she had taken to welcoming bears on her property for regular feasts of grain topped with sugared doughnuts. If those same bears showed up on someone else’s lawn expecting similar treatment, that wasn’t her problem. The bears, for their part, were left to navigate the mixed messages sent by humans who alternately threw firecrackers and pastries at them. Such are the paradoxes of Freedom.
Both articles are well worth the read.
The great thing about that is from those quotes all I really know is that I can't even imagine the type of crazy things went. Going to have to read those, thank you!
After reading those and other articles, it’s difficult for me to maintain a straight face when people IRL tell me they’re libertarians. The more I’ve looked into it, the more I can’t help but snicker at its mention.
I’ve put Libertarianism on my mental shelf along with Scientology and Moonies. It’s just batshit insane and naive as fuck.
Maybe the local racetrack will let them drive there.
Oops, they wrote "PRiVATE", that lower case i voids the entire spell/contract/declaration/whatever.
I also note it isn't written in red ink at a 45 degree angle. I will have to reject this offer to contract (without dishonour).
Technically I believe it's called an "Sovereign Citizen Incantation". You can purchase books of them online for a few hundred dollars.
It's perfectly fine to have a private vehicle with no license or registration. Drive it all you like on your own private personal property.
Get the fuck off our public roads though.
This is the case in most places in the US, but check your local and state laws first if you’re a car collector. Some areas require them to be in an enclosed structure (e.g. garage), or not visible from the street, or not on a paved surface directly connected to a public street, etc.
I wish I were this unafraid to look like an idiot.
I think you pull it off pretty well.
Aww, you guys are wholesome AF
All I see is "Police, please pull me over. I obviously don't have a license or registration, so this will be an easy conviction for your records." If you're going to flaunt the law, at least make an effort to do it low-key...
Yeah but without resorting to dragging someone out of their car physically who isnt being violent and getting sued or having to answer excessive force complaints means you are going to be there for a LONG time.
I can absolutely see a cop that isnt a powertripping piece of shit not want their whole day to be dealing with one fruitcake.
Yes. You can do that. Just as long as you don't drive it off your property. Sure looks like you're in a public space. That's a shame, you will need to abide by public regulations.
By this, the ~~guy~~ person has no right to drive on tax funded roads.
This person writes the letter "E" three completely different ways, seemingly at random. Wtf?
Get it off of our public roads then
I bet some cops avoid pulling over cars like this just because they know it's going to be an exasperating pain in the ass.
I think more than a few would pull it over just to fuck with the driver. Their days can be boring, and this is guaranteed drama
Can't say I blame them.
Im of 2 minds about this.
Like they are clearly and flagrantly breaking the law... BUT aside from the lack of registration and insurance they arent really being a clear and obvious danger to anyone. Do we want the cops pulling them over and wasting their whole afternoon dealing with made up laws and arguing with fuckwits or actually looking for drunk drivers or people being legitimately unsafe.
I love how they both want to except from all government relations, except boy that constitution is like their gospel. You can't disassociate from the country and site the constitution of said country.
All the rights, none of those responsibilities
I’d call the police on this guy every time just on principle.
No State Cocks Apply
Only frderal cocks it is!
Dude's plan for what he's going to say when he gets pulled over is probably consistent with the level of planning he did when wrote that top line.
His plan is to say, "I'm not driving, I'm traveling" and then lord over the police officer as they try to apologize for wasting his time.
They think they've figured out the magic spells Trump uses to avoid paying his bills, not realizing that Trump's way of doing it involves lawyers and credible bluffs, including that he has the resources to indefinitely drag out things to make them as expensive as possible for anyone trying to go against him. And it's not clear when it's a bluff and when it isn't because the system is designed for that kind of tactic to be effective, so even Mr. Famously Doesn't Pay His Lawyers can even do it, though he probably had more luck with it before he got so famous for not paying his lawyers.
The problem for them is, it never works out the way they think it will. Especially because the whole premise is treating police like they have no power in a situation where they do, which tends to make them want to be violent.
They used a lot of words to write 'cRaZy'
One of the license plate mounts makes it look like it says "Prooperty" when you zoom in and that made me giggle.
Id definitely try the doors and see if I could find some guns in there
He might want to triple check that
Can the driver be arrested for trespassing?
I wonder it they are single and hot
Dude needs a vinyl guy friend so his car looks cleaner while conveying his message more effectively.