Yeah that makes zero sense. Not only is it more realistic, half the fun is to accidentally carpet bomb yourself and your team because you threw the beacon into a wall and it bounced back. I also think it nicely meshes with the fascist satire theme, you are really just meat for the grinder and quite expendable, calling in airstrikes that cost more than you make in a year.
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Not to mention the whole game would have to be rebalanced. Imagine if you could just drop a carpet bomb, orbital strike or 380mm right on top of your squad and have it just kill enemies.
Who the heck is asking for this?
Literal babies
After having just gotten got by the same 380 barrage twice in a row, I suspect that it's literally just the 380 that's the culprit here. They should consider tightening that cone or something, because it is waaay too big and long if you aren't solo throwing and then sprinting in the other direction.
No, people should learn how to use it. You don't throw it at your group's feet: you throw it into a nest or a base, along one or two other barrages, and let the magic happen from a safe distance. Or you throw it in the middle of the map in kill missions where you're being overwhelmed, and die with honor.
Blowing up a large area is the whole purpose. If you want it to be tighter get the 180 or the precision strike.
And when you finish a mission the game comments things like its ok friendly fire happens sometimes etc
I love it when she is surprised there were no friendly fire incidents!
The one that got me was when she sounded like she didn't believe the words coming out of her own mouth, "No one died on this mission? That's gotta be some kinda record!"
Haven't played it, but from other coop games I can say there are:
- People playing casually and not feeling well after accidentially shooting a teammate;
- Teammates going all toxic about being shot.
I love FF playing with my friends and other people, but sometimes I got kicked for not doing something right, even if it's just others' person opinion. Turning off FF is just a sticky to cover the hole in the wall.
If this happens, the problem is not the game. If people get angry over a fucking game, then they're not worth my time.
Imagine chess players feeling sad for sacrificing one of their own pieces.
Fair points, but i question whether someone feeling really sad over a teamkill is good advised with this game. Honestly everyone dies all the time to friendly fuckups, i have yet to meet a diver who actually gets upset instead of manically laughing in voice chat.
The premise of the first and second game is built off friendly fire. You can't have Helldivers without friendly fire.
Friendly fire isn't.
I remember the first time I learned this lesson. Cluster bomb called in, killed the other 3 of my team. I learned it again on the 120mm HE, and the 380mm HE. The mortar sentry.
Bouncing a 500kg off something right into your face will never not get a hearty laugh from me. We can send beacons into space, but we can't mark a location without being in dangerously close range.
Half of the fun and challenge of this game is trying not to tk your squad lol
And the other half is seeing them die in an airstrike.
Mortars are tk machines, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Teslas are even better!
Yup. Nothing like queuing up the arc thrower, fail to pay attention to where you're stepping, fall and smoke your friend.
My brain has a bit of trouble comprehending every time I see this headline. Of fucking course friendly fire isn’t going anywhere. It’s in several PvE games and was a crucial part of HD1. Why is this even a sentence that was spoken? The bizarre effects of niche things becoming popular.
Yeah, why is it even a discussion? It's like removing health or hunger from Minecraft, or mining, or crafting. Or shooting from CoD. These fucking "journalists" have nothing to write about.
I have to be honest, i prefer friendly fire to be off in all multiplayer games. Helldivers 2? No, that shit has to stay on
It’s hysterical being sent hundreds of meters in the air by your teams explosions, most fun I’ve had in years.
Quick shout-out to the Helldiver's community
If you're in this thread, you should join the community!
Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using a URL instead of its name, which doesn't work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: !
Good. It’s an integral part of the game.
The game would trivial with no friendly fire. Just take 4 eagle stratagems and throw one at your feet when it gets hairy
Fire doesn't care if you're friend or foe; it burns equally.
people that ask for things like this should receive in game penalties.. cosmetic restrictions at least..
Make em wear a cape with a bullseye on it. And have chat say what ring you shot on it.
We would have to turn off bullet damage for enemies as well
Uh... What? What fucked up weird way of handling damage did they use that they can't turn off friendly fire without also disabling damage entirely? 🤨
Just be honest and say it's not part of the intended design. Because at least then, no one will have fuel to claim that you are incompetent.
It’s clearly a joke. They didn’t even include the whole quote even though it was only three words longer.
Neither did you
"If we turned off friendly fire we would have to turn off bullet damage against enemies as well. It's the law."
It's clearly a joke
Sir, do you think that it’s actually a law?
It’s a joke bro. Please go outside and get some social interaction.
It's not that they can't, they don't want to. It would change the gameplay too much.
I don't want them to either, i LIVE for this chaos! I havent had this much of a blast with a game for years now
I’m thinking maybe I should give this game a shot… but I don’t typically enjoy FPS. Will need to consider things.
It’s third-person.
It's third person with optional first person ADS.
I would wholeheartedly recommend this 40 dollar game. It's got the least offensive mtx I've seen in a long, long while and it's honestly a GaaS done mostly right.
Hell yes. Mad respect.