I find it very interesting, how a single line in an email can spawn so many articles.
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You can pay services to post about your article on hundreds to thousands of legit sites for just a few hundred dollars. Never believe the hype.
If you haven’t read this “article”, do yourselves a favor and keep scrolling.
Interesting considering the NSO trial is rumoured by some people to be another console. I'm thinking GameCube but we won't know until it's announced.
Why would they need a trial for that? Unless it's some online thing that need stress testing?
I don't know what else it could really be, I saw some people rumour DS as well but it just seems very unlikely
Well, just 4-5 days to go.
I also just stumbled across this, the rumour is Switch 2 but it could be NSO for the Switch honestly.
The GameCube controllers for Switch are wired currently, not wireless
Hint: it's the steam deck
if that’s not GameCube, then I’ll eat all of my flat caps
We need to follow up on this with the author if it's not the Game Cube 😆