Billionaires, the true Unskilled Worker
You can see a spike in the last couple days. We went from about 30k/week to a 50k+ in this past week.
Hiding their love of Lamp.
Larian has been absolutely phenomenal through their process on both of these. Kept with the 'it'll release when it's ready' model, the exception with the alpha/early release on BG3 which I would say helped improve the quality of the Release product that much more, through testing/reports and cash influx without the 'pre-order today, get whatever you get tomorrow' mantra.
The hilarity is that these moves are the exact opposite of the so called Public Square he claims Twitter is or should be.
Woke up and immediately popped on the SCOTUSBlog live stream 7 more decisions to wait for but this was a massive relief to see.
You think you can come on here and join the discussions without opposable thumbs!?
I know it’s overkill, I got old system w/ OPNSENSE to managed switch and Ubiquity Access Points for WiFi.
But but but I was told during the pandemic that these blue states were going to die because everyone was leaving for FREEDOM in TX and FL.