Seems like I've found the culprit:
When I deactivate this module and try again, the error message disappears and shows up again when enabled.
Seems like I've found the culprit:
When I deactivate this module and try again, the error message disappears and shows up again when enabled.
Happy to hear that it changed for the better. I'm still on Android 10, where it sadly isn't the default. But thanks for letting me know :)
I'd prefer that notifications are blocked by default (should be opt-in instead of opt-out). The only apps I NEED notifications for, are messaging apps, everything else is just annoying.
I don't want bloatware and Google services on my phone. I want to install magisk modules and use root. If a phone doesn't allow unlocking bootloader and doesn't have decent custom rom (or GSI) support, there's no way I'm buying it.
That's what I'm using:
I would advise to use open-source software wherever you can. You (almost) never have paywalls, ads or trackers there ;)
Kannst dich bei Tuxedo mal umsehen. Ist ne deutsche Firma, hast also mit Support und Garantie auch weniger Probleme, als wenn du was aus dem Ausland kaufst. Die verkaufen nur Hardware die auch sicher mit Linux läuft.
You can use an OTP Generator like Aegis Authenticator from F-Droid. Afaik it even works offline, so there should be no risk if you strictly keep it offline.
Sounds interesting. Do you have a source for the mentioned research?
This should answer most, if not all of your questions.
It's important to remember, that you should rebase to the same DE to avoid issues. Although there shouldn't be any data loss when rebasing, a backup of your files is recommended.
Edit: Forgot to write, that these principles apply to all atomic distros. But depending on the distro you're using, the rebasing commands might be slightly different. So always look on the documentation of your distro.