You mean their book of blackmail material to keep him in line?
I try to be, but don’t always hit the mark.
I still can’t believe they’ve managed to make not getting sick a political stance.
I threw out my shoulder trying on shirts at the store the other day…
“Democratic capitalism” is an oxymoron, as without an incredibly large number of regulations, capital will replace democracy as the primary decision maker, by design.
Similarly, 2 was my first Uncharted, which I played partway through at a friend's. When I got my own PS3 I decided to start back at 1 and found it did a much better job of teaching me how to play the game than 2 did. When I went back to 2 after finishing 1, everything I had trouble with was so much easier, and it was really need to see the jump in graphics between the games.
Oooooh, that Etsy link does actually look perfect. Thank you! I'll keep digging.
The Ghoul definitely picked Bloody Mess as one of his perks.
I'm glad they kept the ridiculousness. They could have made it super serious and edgy, and I don't think it would have fit as well.
Weird. I really enjoyed it. Loved the characters, liked the story, and all the little nods to the games and fandom were nice and didn't feel out of place. Probably one of the better adaptations I've seen.
Oh thank goodness, for some reason I thought episode 9 was the series finale. I'm obviously paying attention...