"They're welcome here, they're just going to hell if they don't un-gay themselves."
If I never see another goddamn unzip in my life I will die happy lmao
And it's her natural color! Tons of black Americans have brown and even blonde hair, largely as a result of slavery. Penalizing her for her lighter hair color is just the cherry on the shit sundae of what we've put black people through in this country.
Yup. Great news, your cancer isn't spreading as quickly as it was last time we checked! Now you may have 6 months to live instead of 3.
Can we get it to wear assless chaps while we're at it?
Ace as in Ace Attorney, or ace as in asexual? (I need to go to bed lol.)
I have ADHD, and my dad has both ADHD and mild autism. Our conversations are like a series of neverending TED Talks about everything from cat behavior to mechanical engineering.
That's the most likely scenario, but remember that when so few people bought checkmarks, Musk just randomly assigned them to influential people to make Blue look more credible/in demand than it actually was.