Don't drivers usually have some sort of body guards pretty often? I've seen lewis with guards before but it wasn't at mexico.
You mean my top of the line Gawfolk monitor? Lmfao
You should see some of the first iterations of this rig. Scary stuff
You're not wrong! Just a proof of concept that ended up working pretty well
its also unfortunate when you mistype it thurstmaster....
Nothing to see here, just a simracing company
If only their UI wasn't so trash I'd only ever use
ATM beeper Facebook bridge works fine. Use it daily. I'd prefer to self host beeper/matrix/bridges but haven't had time to set it up and got an invite to beeper a few weeks ago.
I just posted a similar response but I think the issue, at least for me, is how deep into the weeds I get with each subject. Anyone can be into coffee for example, but it's the ones who do the research and watch the videos about the subject in their free time, that make a simple thing such as coffee become more of an obscure thing. 🤷♂️
Seems like every hobby is too obscure for most to care at the level I do. Sim racing, rtlsdr, self hosting, ANY kind of motorsports, home automation, blogging, DND, video games... At the surface these are not too obscure but I find very few people in my day to day life that care about them in detailed way
Wow that's really neat. I'll check it out then. Cheers
Divinity original sin 2 id assume. Great game as well by Larian.
Alright fair enough. Though it seems this whole thing feels a bit fabricated. Alot of local people said they were booing not max but Gregg abbot who was presenting as a lot of people do not like him,however it's being spun as max being the target.