They would just claim he has Nazi Tourette's.
Can't wait for the MLK speech denouncing affirmative action.
Japan had been trying to pull off this trick for years. There's an easier solution. It's called immigration, but Japan has been ruled by conservatives who refuse to see a difference between nationality and ethnicity. There are a lot of nurses from developing countries that would be a lot more effective than a can of Pepper.
Forbes' bias is showing. It was a proof of concept, not a sign of weakness.
We all were born into the social contract. The nation states of the world assumed a monopoly on violence to provide justice instead of us taking revenge. But when there is no justice, there are only two options: to resign yourself to injustice or to take revenge.
I'm not suicidal! You're suicidal!
There really isn't much difference in lifestyles between billionaires and people with 100 mil. No one needs that much money. Anyone who has made more than 100 million has done something truly heinous to do so. I feel we should set our sights at a much lower tax bracket to cut down any potential antisocial oligarchs.
The first step for me was recognizing that procrastinating created more work for me in the future. Also, having those swords of Damocles hanging over my head robbed me of my mental health.
That's sounds like it would be heavy.
Stop burying the lede! How does one keep a bunch of crickets quiet in the dark?
Lesbian Gay Bisexual
I've played every Civilization up to and including 6, but I've been playing Humankind and loving it. It's by the studio that did Endless Space 2, the game I've put the most hours into, and that's saying a lot. Humankind solves some of the frustrations with Civilization I always had. For example, wonders are claimed by a civilization and made whenever the user feels like it. There's no wasting 20 turns only to be beat to the punch by a player you haven't even seen yet. Stuff like that.