Ss7 is extremely insecure. Was a great video on that from Veritasium
Can i also have your husband?
Boost, boost have always been my favorite, on Reddit and now Lemmy. Cant say more then i just like it, and like the developer
Bought it the first day, and I expect them to take a long time before its ready. The game have been in development for many years and it looks and feels amazing, so i want it to take time!
Tragic, it's a human right, but us as the last years, do everything they cant to remove human rights so i'm not surprised. Having smal dictatorship countries inside a bigger country
👏👏👏👏 and the audience goes crazy! For real like tf get of, no one likes you, the comment you reply to i mean
Correct, and it uses magnets to render the disks unreadable. One of those devices services LTT using it
"There is a warning from a user on Reddit. Might be worth considering before buying."
Original comment
Its because it dosent try to answer right, but more what it thinks toy want to see/read 🤷
Hade a user doing the same thing, orr a couple of users.. apple just works, yeah sure
That ive learnt the hard way it dosent 😅 have a Ubuntu server with unifi network in it, thats now full in inodes 😅 the positive thing, im forced to learn a lot in Linux 😂
By there site its more like $120 a month?