I mean, it's one egg Michael. How much could it cost? $10?
Or the sun, a more appropriate vacation place to send Cruz.
That e-1337, not elite.
Our population would double too
Dunno. Vancouver's pretty fucked for housing and that's got 6.2% foreign ownership rate. I wouldn't mind being able to have a shot at affording a home in my city.
It's not the ONLY reason housing is fucked but 6.2% isn't nothing.
No facts for you. Only alternative facts!
I mean, if the dark forces were billionaires and you look at their wealth growth explosion since the pandemic....someone could be forgiven for thinking there was a conspiracy there. Means and motive, alongside a sociopathic disregard for the common person..
You should advise them to drink bleach and prove its efficacy. For science.
Never challenge worse.
There's a mall up in Montreal, Canada, playing babyshark on repeat in stairwells to prevent homeless people from staying there. So far it's been cruelly effective.
And Adobe Flash.