I don’t notice or care about “followers”, especially on Reddit. I don’t think many others folks do either.
30 seconds later: why is water on floor?
Also on Firefox and see the same thing. Odd.
mlem is very barebones at the moment, I actually switch between the website and the app on mobile.
You can't fault someone for trying the app and if it works for their use-case, that doesn't make them dumb. Yes it's shitty for most of us, but for someone just casually browsing on the toilet and not commenting, maybe it works fine for them.
An improved comment editor for sure. Better navigation around the app itself and around communities.
I like this. It lets the game maker get some $$$ without forcing micro transactions down gamers’ throats.
Currently Okta + Okta Verify. In a previous job where we were all-in on Microsoft, we used Authenticator but were starting to implement Duo because of it's wide reach and ease of setup. Like someone else said, Duo was able to do MFA for RDP at the time when Authenticator couldn't.
Yeah, I'm in the same boat. I used to post and try to help out people but around 2019 or 2020 the overall tone of posts and responses went in a negative direction where it didn't really make sense to respond to the 100th post about "my boss is a micromanager" or someone complaining about a botched update that they installed ON patch tuesday.
So much quicker then taking a car too, and rarely any traffic. At worst you have delays.
Me: Trying to fall asleep Brain: Remember that dumb thing you did 20 years ago? Yeah that was pretty embarrassing and dumb