Then it’s pretty bold of you to be making generalizations and predictions in your wall of text OP.
Really generous estimation of the hellscape we’re leaving for our descendants. This IS the glory days. It’s all downhill from here.
What The fuck did you say to me?
You better give me a stealth check with disadvantage if you’re trying to sneak in here with that username.
Can you sand down the layer lines on that flat plane?
There’s plenty of tutorials out there for it. A quick DuckDuckGo search turned up this as one of the first results, but the theory is the same if you wanted to bundle ‘arr containers instead of nginx/whatever.
Essentially you create docker compose file for services, within which you have as many containers as you want set up like you would any other compose file. You ‘docker compose pull’ and ‘docker compose up -d’ to update/install just like you would for individual docker container, but it does them all together. It sounds like others in the thread have more automated someone with services dedicated to watching for updates and running those automatically but I just look for a flag in the app saying there’s an update available and pull/ up -d whenever it’s convenient/I realize there’s an update.
I just use docker compose files. Bundle my arr stack in a single compose file and can docker compose pull to update them all in one swoop.
The Cornell app is magical. If i self host this is it mobile compatible? I’d love to be able to host and share this with the family if so.
Thanks! Exactly what I was looking for.