
joined 2 years ago
[–] Quacksalber@sh.itjust.works 11 points 12 hours ago

I really hope Europe manages to keep up the levels of support for Ukraine. I'm pessimistic, but maybe this is the push european leaders needed.

[–] Quacksalber@sh.itjust.works 25 points 1 day ago (2 children)

I'd take that yeet instead of return...

[–] Quacksalber@sh.itjust.works 10 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Preaching to the choir, but it's fucked up how legitimately stupid you can be and still fail upwards, if you have gotten a small loan of 60 mil. dollars. You can make the dumbest business decisions and the people you employ will still turn it into something somewhat passable, because their paychecks depend on it. Then you get the praise for being such a good business man.

[–] Quacksalber@sh.itjust.works 33 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Olaf soll die Fresse halten. Soll er endlich in die CDU eintreten, da wird sein korrupter Arsch wenigstens gewürdigt.

[–] Quacksalber@sh.itjust.works 21 points 3 days ago

That's the tradeoff you have to make. Your window size is a good fingerprint, so spoofing the size makes sense. But websites that need to window size for legitimate reasons are breaking.

[–] Quacksalber@sh.itjust.works 25 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Outdated meme. We now use email to send around scanned documents. FUTUR!

[–] Quacksalber@sh.itjust.works 16 points 4 days ago

I read 'incarcerated' at first and was concerned. Then I re-read the sentence, found that it read incinerated and my heart was at peace.

[–] Quacksalber@sh.itjust.works 3 points 1 week ago

They'll use the need to spend more on defense as a reason to cut down on spending for social causes.

Preaching to the choir here, but people need to strat voting more left. The AfD in Germany, currently at 20%, will just destroy the institutions weakened by moderate conservative rule.

[–] Quacksalber@sh.itjust.works 6 points 1 week ago (2 children)

The UI isn't the problem? The attached screenshot shows people talking about federation. Federation is very confusing, but also the core part of how the Fediverse functions. The only thing you could to is to provide an entry portal, where all servers are categorized by the type of content they provide and you can check and uncheck the type of content you want or might want to interact with. Based on your choices, the portal could recommend a random Lemmy or Mbin instance that has a track record of being reliable and allows you to interact with most content of that type. So if you'd want to see porn for example, the portal should choose an instance that is federated with lemmynsfw.

[–] Quacksalber@sh.itjust.works 9 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Quite honestly, if you're that sick in the head that you'd kill two people to steal a baby, I question your right to live.

[–] Quacksalber@sh.itjust.works 4 points 2 weeks ago

Das ist die Einschränkung des Real-O-Mats. Er zeigt an, was die Parteien gewillt sind mitzutragen. Er zeigt nicht an, was die Parteien von sich aus anstreben.

[–] Quacksalber@sh.itjust.works 22 points 2 weeks ago

A bug? You mean someone in the office accidentially pressed the big red 'purge-everything-unholy-for-when-the-evangelicals-come-after-us' button?


I wanted to ask if it was possible, in any way, to have the convenience of just having to sync a single passwords file, while also having the security of putting more sensitive login credentials behind a different or additional passwords?

On my computer, I usually have KeePassXC unlocked for the entirety of being logged in. So if my computer were to be compromised, the attacker would not only get access to relatively unimportant accounts, like this Lemmy account, but also highly important ones, like my email or bank login credentials. So I'd like to split my passwords file into multiple "files", where the unimportant logins are permanently unlocked for convenience, while the more sensitive login credentials remain encrypted until I actually need them.

However, I also am fucking lazy and I know that I won't be able to keep up with the hassle of keeping multiple passwords files synced. So I wanted to ask if it is possible to keep the convenience of having just a single file that you need to sync, while also making use of the security that splitting up the passwords file brings.

Currently I use KeePassXC on my desktop and KeePass2Android on my phone, but I'd be willing to switch to other software, if the benefits are there.


"Table Media" hatte unter Berufung auf Parteikreise berichtet, Sekmen habe aus Enttäuschung über die grüne Wirtschaftspolitik schon vor Wochen Kontakt zur CDU aufgenommen.

Sekmen hat türkische Wurzeln - ihr Vater ist als Jugendlicher nach Deutschland gekommen.

"Wir brauchen eine Debattenkultur, in der Menschen ihre Meinung und ihre Sorgen sagen können, ohne in Schubladen gesteckt zu werden", sagte Sekmen. "Diese Stimmen müssen aus einer starken Mitte und nicht aus den extremen Rändern der Politik kommen." Menschen über ihr Tun, ihr Wirken und nicht über ihre Herkunft zu definieren, dafür stehe für sie das neue Grundsatzprogramm der CDU, so die Politikerin.


After having spent some time on Lemmy and learning of the intricacies of the different Lemmy instances, I think the landing page for the Lemmyverse could do with some streamlining. I remember that back when I joined, the only information I used to decide on an instance to join was the user count, the signup policy and the instance name. Now, coming from the instance with the best name, I can't say that I've regretted my choice, but for new people looking to join Lemmy, crucial information that would help them join the instance best suited for them is still missing.

To provide that information, I want to suggest the creation of multiple categories, in which instance owners are encouraged to describe their instance. Instances that provide a description for each category are then ranked higher on the join-lemmy.org website.

The following categories would, in my opinion, help new users decide on an instance to join:

Content Policy
This category could describe what kind of content the instance wants to specialize in. Whether that be sports, games, specific sports teams or games, NSFW content, meme content, etc.

Signup Policy
The website already shows whether an application needs to be filled out, but it doesn't show what is expected of the applicant. A category describing what exactly the instance would like to see in their new users would help those users decide, if that instance is for them or not.
As an example, an instance focussed on a certain language could inform users, that they expect an application in that language.

Community creation Policy
Here, instances could describe what rules they have around community creation. Small instances could, for example, clarify in this category, that they would only want to host niche communities without much traction at most. Other servers could specify that they would only want to host unique communities, not copies of or communities closely related to communities already existing on other instances.

Federation Policy
Here instance owners could clarify their stance on what other instances they are willing or not willing to federate with. To give an example, instances could describe their stance on federating with other instances hosting NSFW content, possibly illegal content (lemmy.world and /c/piracy), overly political content, and so on and so forth.

Lastly, some statistics could be added to show the health of the instance: Active user to inactive user ratio, active user to report ratio, active user/report to mod action ratio, community engagement ratio, uptime, server software version and so on.

With these categories, I can say that if I were to join the Lemmyverse today, I'd be able to make a much more informed decision on what instance to join.


I'd like to use a mod that allows me to create crafting bills that only trigger when I have more than X resources in storage. As an example, if I set up a bill that requires 4 Components, I'd like to set a limit of 50 Components, so that items only get crafted, if I have more than 50 Components in storage. Does anyone know of a mod that allows this constraint to be set?


Frankreich ist derzeit das einzige EU-Land mit Atomwaffen, seit Großbritannien die EU verlassen hat. Paris hatte anderen EU-Partnern Gespräche über eine europäische atomare Abschreckung angeboten. Lindner betonte, auch Deutschland müsse sich fragen, welchen Beitrag es zu leisten bereit sei. Solange es Nuklearwaffen auf der Welt gebe, werde Europa an einem System der nuklearen Abschreckung festhalten müssen, um nicht schutzlos der Erpressung autoritärer Staaten ausgeliefert zu sein.


I think the analysis done in the video is spot-on and I hope that it finds its way into the mainstream media and to the people in power. The only way to not have the Ukraine war spiral into a blood bath even more than it is now, and threaten to pull Europe and by extention the US into the conflict, is to adequately support Ukraine's military, so they can win.


Seine bisher schärfste Kritik an Israels Vorgehen im Gazastreifen hatte Joe Biden geübt, als keine Kameras oder Mikrofone im Raum waren. Vor Unterstützern seiner demokratischen Partei hatte Biden laut Augenzeugen gesagt, dass nach dem Angriff der Hamas am 7. Oktober der Großteil der Welt hinter Israel gestanden habe.

Aber nun sei Israel dabei, die Unterstützung durch "willkürliche Bombardements" zu verlieren. Die Formulierung sorgte in den USA auch deshalb für Aufsehen, weil willkürliche Bombardements nach internationalem Recht als Kriegsverbrechen gewertet werden können.


Vor allem junge Delegierte üben in der Debatte scharfe Kritik an der Asylpolitik der Ampelregierung. "Es ist unehrlich über Begrenzung zu reden, während die Welt in Flammen steht", sagt Vasili Franco, Delegierter aus Berlin. "Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde, ich bitte Euch. Lasst uns nicht schon auf diesem Parteitag einen Kompromiss mit konservativen Kräften verabschieden", drängt Sophia Pott aus Lübeck.

Welche, das schildert auf eindringliche Weise Außenministerin Annalena Baerbock: "Wenn ich mir vorstelle, es geht um jedes Flüchtlingskind in Thessaloniki, soll ich dann sagen, ich kann leider nicht mitverhandeln, das soll jetzt mein ungarischer Kollege alleine machen? Soll Robert das nächste Mal, wenn er bei der MPK [Ministerpräsidentenkonferenz] sitzt, sagen, ich kann da nicht mitverhandeln, das soll jemand anderes machen?" Baerbock fleht regelrecht ihre Parteifreunde an, den Antrag der Grünen Jugend abzulehnen.


Seit Monaten wird in der Ampelkoalition darüber debattiert, wie sich die Strompreise in Deutschland senken lassen. Bislang drehte sich der Streit vor allem um die Frage, ob ein staatlich subventionierter Industriestrompreis, die Senkung der Stromsteuer oder vielleicht auch beides die richtige Antwort darauf ist. Dass Bundesfinanzminister Christian Lindner jetzt den auf 2030 vorgezogenen Kohleausstieg ins Spiel bringt, ist kein Zufall.


Korsika wird mehr Autonomie versprochen, viele bleiben aber skeptisch.


Die Aussage des Bundeskanzlers, dass russische Kriegsverweigerer Asyl in Deutschland finden werden, gleicht einer Lüge. Vielen Asylanträgern droht die Abschiebung nach dem Dublin-Verfahren.

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