Feels like Zucc is trying to copy Musk.
20 years ago this would have been April fools.
I agree. So big screen and controllers that Nintendo Switch looks like a lilliputian. Not so portable.
"Don't compare yourself to others." Everyone develops at their own pace. This also helps in building a good self-esteem.
Tusky on Android.
Been playing Splatoon 3 for the first time in half a year or so.
Of course!
I checked his Wikipedia page two hours ago and his birth date was stated to be in 1970... then I changed the headline. But apparently this isn't the case.
At this point in time Musk has been rather explicit about his far-right politics, therefore this is just a continuation. A continuation with terrible consequences.
Sounds like a good horror movie plot.
I prefer having no holes so that I can run ipconfig and ping.
It's a really great alternative to OneNote, been using it for over a year.