Women are you going out of the office and I can come by the office to see you
Work or government issued.
I hate my gender, hate my body. Wish I could flip a switch and be anything else but I'm too afraid of the stigma to transition.
But I recognize that society, the government, doctors, my family, see me as a boy. So I use he/him.
In my mind its they/he. Some sort of demiboy or non binary, idk. I don't want gender. I feel trapped.
I saw this a while ago so some of it could be misremembering. But he commonly does tit-for-tat advertising where the throws money around and has people fake praise him and call him a genius and say his ideas are great and his chocolate tastes good.
So he did a collab with this other creator, had already filmed the other guys video and assumed he would get his ad and praise. So he brings out his chocolate and has the guy taste his and compare to others. The guy is honest and says his chocolate is too sweet, to this, not enough that. He says hershey or something is better.
The guy's honest review in everything he does, his integrity, is more important than the tit-for-tat from one of the most powerful youtubers.
Jimmy's demeanor changes when he realizes he isn't getting his fake words and he cuts the guy off fast, glares at him, and moves on, and never worked with him again.
Yea the first impact is not pancakey enough. And the second impact is too stone crumbly.
Also the chain is uncanny.
But this is still amazing and way better than anything I could do in 100 lifetimes.
I have an oracle free tier vps that I run reverse proxy on and have certs for subdomains for a domain I got on cloudflare. Cloudflare dns points to the vps, apache server proxy on port 80/443. On the vps I also have tailscale and another tailscale on a server at home advertising routes.
So I have music.mydomain for subsonic and plex.mydomain and files.mydomain for nextcloud, etc.
Its normal https web traffic so weird ports dont need to be accessed or remembered.
But you don't get it, this one has trans people, and a lesbian, and a lesbian showrunner, and only like 2 white guys and one of them is the bad guy, and the main character is a fem presenting strong character (and theres 2 of them). They aren't even white.
Why would Disney alienate their core audience, me a cis white straight bigot that is already mad that women and minorities and queers exist without them shoving it down my throat?
Don't you get that this is a threat to my privilege?
I use pytube and a python script I have been growing and adding features for a while. Lots of examples for you to make something that suits your own needs.
Those come with malware so be careful. Even if you reinstall a fresh os you have no idea what the firmware is doing.
You taste like pork.
In JavaScript, a const variable is an immutable constant that you cannot reassign. Similar to how many conservatives think of gender, an intrinsic fact of a person that you can only read, but never change.
The "let" keyword declares a variable in a local scope, the nearest surrounding curly braces. It can be changed in that scope, but does not exist anywhere else. I assume this is meant to concede that gender is a spectrum and your presentation can kind of wiggle, such as between "very manly" and "not as manly" but still a man. Like, a stereotypical lumberjack and a stereotypical twink are both men so there isn't "one way to be a man" but a conservative might say " but they are still men, you can change how you present but you can't change sex".
The "var" keyword lifts the variable definition to the top of the function, or "hoists" it up. A variable declared with var can be accessed and modified anywhere after the block it was declared in. Gender is a spectrum and it can be reassigned anywhere, at anytime, to anything.
Unless they installed some spyware to try to steal more passwords, or duplicated the 2fa auth keys, or have some rmeote viewer app running now to steal text 2fa keys, or whatever else. You could steal way more in the long term than the couple of hundred that a used phone would go for.
Im also killing myself on the 25th lol. During my partner's exam I'm going to my favorite bench, drinking a bunch of benzos and vodka, and then shooting myself. Ive had it planned for a while. Life isn't worth living anymore. I have too many mental health issues and trauma and have been fighting too long and can't imagine fighting for another 50 or 60 years.
I have thought about killing myself every day of my life since middle school and it is so freeing to have a solid plan and todo list of what I actually need to finish before I get to kill myself. I've tried before but I realize now I didn't actually want it as much then. I finally feel calm. I'm finally ok with just being a statistic.