Edge runs in the background so it opens faster when you click a link somewhere. Chrome and more recently Firefox do the same.
Imagine: pirating ebooks but donating money to the author at the same time. Win win.
Can you actually download a torrent without seeding it?
He didn't even kill. He's innocent.
Yes, but in my case I pay Prime for the shipping and the shows. Not for the games, I don't even care about them, I just have a hoarder impulse.
The reason Valve is so great is because it's a private company. I hope they'll never sell out.
Me too. I'm not even a gamer, the only game I've played is Civilization. And maybe one day I'll sell my account for sweet sweet money.
Because you're smart and you are archiving everything. Most people don't even know they can download the installers, they just install Gog Galaxy.
lol yeah maybe we should be more specific when we talk about Europe
Me too. When I read "season pass" my mind goes to scams and games riddled with in-app purchases. No thanks.
Good luck from Italy. I hope you don't end up with a nazi party... again.
Yeah, I don't think neither Firefox nor Chrome do that on Linux