
joined 2 years ago
[–] 6 points 1 day ago

She was staunchly pro-Heard, which in and of itself isn't a problem. However, she lied about reaching out to pro-Depp commentators (some of whom were lawyers) for comments for a piece she wrote, and the article was then stealth-edited after she got called out by several commentators.

Together with her later insistence that she did not share a meme calling Biden a war criminal, only to later admit to doing exactly that, I don't find her reporting particularly trustworthy. I try to verify her facts from other sources, and I mostly avoid her opinion pieces.

[–] 11 points 2 days ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (3 children)

She's been caught in some stealth edits and other unethical practises when trying to push a specific narrative. I don't trust her reporting very much after following her work during the Depp-Heard trial in '22. It is unfortunate that her need to push her, or her publishers, agenda appears to be more important than honest reporting, and I'm saying this as a very left-leaning, queer person.

(//Edited to correct the year of the Depp-Heard trial. Covid times were strange and it all blends together.)

[–] 10 points 1 week ago (1 children)

The Finnish word you have is also just 'shit' and in no way equivalent to 'cunt'. The word youre looking for is 'vittu', although it is usually (mis)translated as 'fuck'. The common translation is likely due to the prevalence of use of both 'fuck' and 'vittu' and their similar severity rather than meaning.

[–] 5 points 1 month ago (7 children)

There are sports where women have reached or surpassed men's records, for example long-distance endurance races or some accuracy-based competitions. Anything where raw explosive strength or size isn't the main deciding factor. There are examples in history where women have been banned from participating in specific sports because they have been able to win in competition with men.

I think, for the leagues you listed, size, strength and speed are often key, and as such most men have an advantage over most women. I don't doubt there could be exceptions to that rule.

[–] 3 points 3 months ago

I swear I tested this a bunch, restarted the app several times, and it would not work. However, now that I started it again about 30 minutes later and tried to zoom, it works flawlessly.

I'll edit the post to let people know it's a user problem. 🤦🏼‍♀️


-- EDIT: Despite my attempt at testing the issue before making the post, it appears the issue was entirely me and not the app. Image zoom is working flawlessly. --

Before the most recent update, it was possible to zoom in on an image post. It was a useful feature for multi-panel comics and images with a lot of text. It appears that the fix for blurry text in images may have unwittingly broken the zoom function.

/edit: I'm using the newest update of the android app from Google Play store

[–] 19 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Hm. I showed this to my husband, who immediately pointed out that it's an anti-tank mine and thus couldn't be foot-activated.

[–] 7 points 5 months ago

Most reindeer live North of the Arctic Circle, where the sun does not rise above the horizon in winter months. I suspect most summer days are brighter than the few hours of twilight the reideer get in December.

[–] 10 points 7 months ago

It took me far too long to understand the wtf-ness of this.

In Finnish, 'Jussi' (the Finnish 'J' is similar to 'Y' in English) is a common men's name. Think John or similar. It carries some connotations from classic literature to peasants, hard work, and sisu.

And "pussi" simply means a bag, specifically a simple one usually made out of paper or plastic.

The branding is supposed to invoke an idea of breakfast buns that are traditional, simple, and full of energy to carry you through your day.

[–] 3 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (1 children)

Ah. Well, perhaps I ought to amend it to an average Northern European, then. There are definitely no true scorpions in the Nordics, although we probably have some tiny pseudoscorpids around somewhere. Although I've hiked all over Southern Spain and never spotted a scorpion there either.
...which probably says more about my perceptiveness or lack-there-of than anything else.

/edited for spelling

[–] 12 points 7 months ago (4 children)

Huh. There being scorpions everywhere except the Arctic is such a wild statement to your average European. Never have I ever seen a scorpion outside a terrarium despite having traveled and hiked extensively in various countries around the continent.

Are they truly that common in the Americas, even in more temperate climates?

[–] 9 points 9 months ago (1 children)

By definition, if Finland is included, we're talking about Fennoscandia and, if you add in Iceland, it's the Nordic countries.

Denmark is usually included in Scandinavia, but technically it isn't part of the Scandinavian peninsula.

However, I know that outside Europe the distinctions aren't all that important.

[–] 25 points 9 months ago (3 children)

I would probably pick Denmark as a favourite based solely on their legal right to hit ice-crossing Swedes with sticks. And Swedes suck balls (source: am Finnish).

However, to be somewhat pedantic, Scandinavia either refers to Sweden, Norway, and Denmark, or just Norway and Sweden (the actual Scandinavian peninsula). Finland, Iceland, and the Baltic countries are not part of Scandinavia.


It's cloudberry season here in the Nordics, and the bounty is very much worth the time spent foraging in mosquito-infested bogs. This is a dessert traditionally enjoyed in Northern Finland, and it is one of my favourite summer foods.

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