
joined 2 years ago
[–] Takapapatapaka@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Yeah, im with you on that one, i consider to be a anarco-communist myself and i recognize that it is easy to get cult-like about whats really left and even really anarchidt/libertarian.

No wonder why every leftist thinker i know about fought against (what they saw as) sectarianism, thinking freely tends to get you a little sensitive about theory and disagreement, resulting in many movments thinking just slightly different buy treating each other like the worse traitors.

But on a positive note, we tend to get sectarian about theories or practices rather than leader or countries.

Edit : typo

I don't watch the show, am just seeing random parts of it over the shoulder of my bf watching it, but I saw the moment where

spoilerthey got their minis
and they all were very cute

I think i get your point, but if we extend governments to nations, then nations are places in the sense that they are a geographical object. Claiming that nation can be / are evil is another debate, but supposing it is possible, it would then be only imprecise and not wrong to claim that places are evil, for certain types of places could then be (and it's probably this type of place which is a nation/country that is targeted here)

[–] Takapapatapaka@lemmy.world 5 points 4 days ago

Halfway through a concert, when the exhaustion from the mosh pit hits my weak body and im just a flipper ball in the chaos

[–] Takapapatapaka@lemmy.world 26 points 1 week ago

The text states anyone applying for nationality must “provide evidence of a level of language enabling them to at least understand the essential context of concrete or abstract subjects in a complex test, to communicate spontaneously and to express themselves clearly and in detail on a wide variety of subjects”.

I mean, this is a challenge for a lot of people including me even in their birth tongue.

[–] Takapapatapaka@lemmy.world 1 points 1 week ago

Yeah, duplicating attributes/Input nodes is nice way to solve a good part of the problem. Thanks for sharing your opinion !


Hello yall ! I am asking for your opinion on node editing, more precisely on creating straight paths with reroute nodes.

I find the built-in way of creating straight paths with reroute quite weird. If I'm not mistaken, it is :

  • Click-drag to create the connection
  • Shift + Right-click-drag to create a reroute.
  • G and drag to place the reroute (repeat until path is made of 90° angles)

Now when it's time to clean up messy noodles, it makes sense : you don't need the first step and you can join multiple noodles with the Shift + Right-click-drag to go quicker. But when I create straight path from the start, I find it weird to first make the full path and then divide it.

I would have liked a feature to 'extrude' from reroute nodes so I can build the straight path step by step instead, so I made a small script to add this as a shortcut : when i press 'E', it adds a reroute connected to the last reroute/node selected. I'll try to add a gif to show what I mean, and I'll leave the code if anyone wants to try.

My question is : am I alone on this or does it make sense ? Did you too find the way reroute works a bit weird or did it always made perfect sense to you ? Or do you avoid straight paths entirely ? (Or is there some other way to work with reroutes that i'm not aware of ?)

Anyway, here is the code if needed (to use it, save it in a .py file, and in the Preferences/Addons tab, choose Install from disk and select your file) :

bl_info = {
    "name" : "Extrude Noodles",
    "blender" : (3, 60, 0),
    "category" : "Node",

import bpy

class NodeConnectedReroute(bpy.types.Operator):
    bl_idname = "node.add_connected_reroute"
    bl_label = "Add connected reroute (Extrude) V4"
    bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
    def execute(self, context) :        
        # Get node tree
        nt = context.material.node_tree        
        # Get active node
        node = bpy.context.active_node
        # OPTION A - Create a not connected reroute
        # in case there is no active node or it's not selected or it has no outputs   
        if not node or not node.select or not node.outputs.keys() :
            bpy.ops.node.add_node(use_transform=True, type="NodeReroute")
            return bpy.ops.transform.translate('INVOKE_DEFAULT')
        # OPTION B - Create a reroute and link it to the active and selected node
        # Add a reroute and connect it to current node first output
        bpy.ops.node.add_node(use_transform=True, type="NodeReroute")
        reroute = bpy.context.active_node
        nt.links.new(reroute.inputs[0], node.outputs[0])
        return bpy.ops.transform.translate('INVOKE_DEFAULT') # Returns that calls for movement.

def menu_func(self, context) :

# Store keymaps outside any function to access it any time
addon_keymaps = []

 # When addon is enabled
def register() :
    # Register the operator
    # Register its menu function in the correct menu
    # Create addon map
    wm = bpy.context.window_manager
    # Check if keyconfigs are available
    kc = wm.keyconfigs.addon
    if kc :
        # Create a keymap in Node Editor context
        km = wm.keyconfigs.addon.keymaps.new(name="Node Editor", space_type='NODE_EDITOR')
        # Add a keymap item for simple extrude
        kmi = km.keymap_items.new(NodeConnectedReroute.bl_idname, 'E', 'PRESS')
        addon_keymaps.append((km, kmi))

# When addon is disabled
def unregister() : 
    # Do register in reverse order
    for km, kmi in addon_keymaps:
[–] Takapapatapaka@lemmy.world 3 points 1 week ago

There's actually a typo, i wrote "relies or bullshit" instead of " on bullshit"

[–] Takapapatapaka@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I disagree with you, links are not that long to share. It is a bit more time consuming obviously, but everyone can choose whether to read quickly or really dive in the sources. I see a lot of people doing it today on internet. I see a lot of people doing it in casual conversation (opening a book or internet to check smthg). It's not evidence, it's hints to avoid launching a whole discussion that entirely lies or bullshit (or not).

Here are some links I found about smuggled chips.

  • Reuters : Deepseek said they used legally imported old and new nvidia chips (H800 and H20s). There are suspicions and investigations about illegal smuggling of banned from export nvidia chips, targeting directly Deepseek. One CEO of an american AI startup said it is likely Deepseek used smuggled chips.
  • The Diplomat : exactly the same, citing directly Reuters. Adds that H800 (now banned from export) and H20s were designed by Nvidia specially for the chinese market. Adds that smuggling could go through Singapore, which leaped from 9% to 22% of Nvidia revenues in 2 years. Nvidia and Singapore representatives deny.
  • Foxbusiness : same.

So it is likely there are smuggled chips in china if we believe this. Now to say they have been used by Deepseek and even more, that they have been decisive is still very unclear.

[–] Takapapatapaka@lemmy.world 1 points 2 weeks ago

Youre talking about countries. I do not care abouy contries. Bombs do not protect people, guns do not protect people.

Killing peoples with guns in third world country to avoid killing with bombs in eu/na is not a win. Getting bombs or guns just temporarily deflects the violence on someone else. The day everyone has bombs, wars wont stop.

You cannot want a safe world for people and want bombs at the same time. It is only viable if you think abouy nations instead of people, but who cares?

[–] Takapapatapaka@lemmy.world -4 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

I cannot agree with you more, and i'm very sad to see so much upvotes in favor of nuclear intensification Bombs do not protect from bombs, guns do not protect from guns

[–] Takapapatapaka@lemmy.world 3 points 2 weeks ago

Well both of us are imitating motorcycles, so it would even be very hard to write down the actual 'melody' to compare both. As said by others, it's also an easy and common thing to do on guitar. Plus both sounds are rythmically a bit different : Motley Crue do not have the fast bit at the beginning of Montrose, they do 3 bends rather than 4 and they are a bit slower. It still may be technically plagiarism but it would be on a very small scale

[–] Takapapatapaka@lemmy.world 3 points 3 weeks ago

Im no expert at all, but I think it might be hallucination/coincidence, skew of training data, or more arbitrary options even : either the devs enforced that behaviour somewhere in prompts, either the user asked for something like "give me the answer as if you were a chinese official protecting national interests" and this ends up in the chain of thoughts.


I got these half square half round icons since today on my Discord. Is this a new thing ? Is this something existing that I accidentally turned on ?

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by Takapapatapaka@lemmy.world to c/gaming@lemmy.ml

Hello folks, I have access to multiple codes for GOG games with Prime gaming. I already own some of those games on other platforms, so I share it with you !

Please tell me in the comments or with a message which game(s) you are interested in. I'll try to keep the post updated.

Games :

Have a nice day <3


Hey there everyone !

I recently got a Huawei p20 to replace my old dumbphone.

I don't need most of a smartphone capabilities : no need for emails, GPS, discussion apps and common social apps (Youtube, Instagram, Tiktok, ...) What I really need are SMS and calls, and I also like having a camera, a local agenda, a sound recorder and a notepad.

This new phone is pretty cool, and do what I want perfectly, but there is a lot of things that I dont need (un-uninstallable google and huawei apps, and a bunch of other functions). I also lack some options (no true dark mode, and navigation is not intuitive for me).

I recently learned that it is possible to change a smartphone's OS, and switch to opensources options, like LineageOS or GrapheneOS. If i understood, it could help with my experience, with the device's performance, and with the privacy/data sending (this is not my priority but i'm always happy if i can avoid generating data for corporations).

I searched a bit, but it seems that some options like GrapheneOS are only available for Google Pixels phones, and LineageOS has only unmaintained options for P20 Pro and P20 Lite (mine is just P20). I also searched for ParanoidOS, ReplicantOS, DivestOS, but none of it featured P20.

I also heard about Android stock, but i could not figure what it was exactly (a basic version of Android delivered by Google ?) : it seems like it could help me improve my experience, though it surely wont do anything on the privacy/data part.

So my questions are :

  • Do you happen to know any OS that might apply to a Huawei P20 (it's a bit old now, so i guess most of options are not maintained) ?
  • Though it seems to be strongly recommended to avoid using a P20 Pro/Lite build on a P20, would it be possible ?
  • Is it a possible to replace Huawei's EMUI with "Android Stock" ? If yes, would it be good for me ?

Sorry if some of my questions are naive, i'm not well aware on this subject. Thank you for reading and have a great day !

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