A notado.
Muito obrigado.
Eu não entendo nada desses assuntos. Estou aqui so de curioso. Mas no meu entender a Microsoft parece estar mais focada em atender empresas e profissionais, ja que a maioria dos programas que atendem profissionais sao feitos para Windows e Mac. Por exemplo, mundo a fora, estudantes e até mesmo próprias escolas tem adaptada bastante ao chromebook, usando o doc, sheets, etc, que já atendem bem estudantes e professores.
Então, eu não duvidosos que Linux ganhe espaço entre usuários comuns que usam o computador apenas para ler emails, redigir documentos, cartas, etc, e fazer planilhas de orçamentos básicos.
Eu mesmo, completo leigo no assunto, estou visitando essa comunidade aqui justamente pq estou cogitando em ou substituir o Windown em minha máquina velha, ou comprar um laptop leve com Linux por ser mais barato. Nos últimos 7 anos eu tenho somente usado Docs e Sheets pelo chomebook.
Mas tudo isso é achismo meu.
“You can generally just drop by and visit people without calling ahead of time and making some kind of arrangement,” he said. “That makes life more spontaneous.”
Because I am Brazilian I have one account in a Brazilian instance. So when I am on the mood to read and participate on talks about Brasilian politics and news, I use that account.
But I live in Germany, so I also have an other account in a German instance when I want only to focus on German conversation, news, culture, memes, etc.
And a third account I have in a specific political orientation instance that is in English. So that account is when I want only talk about my political orientation with like-minded people.
But I am not religious about how I use my accounts. At the moment I am using the account that I created in the Brasilian instance.
Lemmy doesn't as many accounts and people participating as in Reddit. But the more you participate the more you motivate people to do as well, because it can create the start of conversation.
Choose "active" or "hot".
The point of creating more than one account, for me, is to have each account being about the subject of different instances. It feels more organised and sometimes I am on the mood to only read from one instance or other so it is convenient to have each account in different instances.
I used to live in Freiburg and I had been I'm Vauban many times, but whenever I read about it I always find more interesting information.
I have always understood utopia as a term to describe the idea of a society that is so idealistic that is sounds unlikely to be reached but not necessarily impossible.
The problem with the word Utopia is that most people use it for things that they don't understand and don't care to understand, assuming then that the idea they are rejecting is too unrealistic (too idealistic) to be possible to obtain.
But people fail to understand that the idealistic (or utopian ideas) are important to guides us towards a direction and discover things that we are capable to do that previous seemed impossible, inspired and dedicated by our ideals.
Obrigado pelos detalhes.
Vou tentar agora no final de semana.