Aren't tankies authoritarian leftists? What's "right" about them?
Actually, yes. Light travels about 30cm in a nanosecond, around the size of a cucumber.
They're probably picturing the typical American grocery store: giant warehouse-like building, massive parking lot, tons of people coming and going. It would be a bad idea to put one of those in the middle of a neighborhood.
For a while I just couldn't play souls-likes. The enemy attacks were blatantly undodgeable. Like, even if you move at the maximum possible speed, in any direction, at the very start of an animation, you can't get out of the way. Then I realized you're not really supposed to get out of the way, you're supposed to abuse the immunity frames from the roll to "dodge" straight through the attacks. Basically the opposite of what I had been doing.
It annoys me that people keep saying "figuratively" is what they mean instead of "literally". "Figuratively" may be the opposite, and technically correct, but the use of the word "literally" in this way is to strengthen a statement. A more appropriate correction would be "actually" or "seriously", which holds the intended meaning. "Figuratively" is the last thing it should be replaced with.
I'm pretty sure the baseline questions are things they already know the answer to. Like what's your name, where were you born, etc. So lying about them would be obvious.
Book burnings are bad when they are used to prevent the free sharing of information or ideas. It is a form of censorship. Burning the Quran is not censorship, because this is not an attempt to ban the Quran or prevent anyone from reading it. Its an entirely symbolic gesture. Its comparable to burning the American flag, which I'm guessing you're not so against.
A lot of games have fully multithreaded components (for physics or navigation for example). So they can use any amount of cores. Its pretty rare to see a game max out all cores on such a system since they are usually limited by something else first.
I think you're missing the point of the -porn suffix. Its not supposed to convey "the study of" or "images of". Its meant to convey that viewing it is satisfying in some primitive/emotional/aesthetic way. NaturePorn isn't just "pictures of nature", it's "pictures of nature that suck me in and make me want to see more". In that regard, the comparison to sex is intentional.
I doubt you want to. Its probably at least a terabyte.
Y2K specifically makes no sense though. Any reasonable way of storing a year would use a binary integer of some length (especially when you want to use as little memory as possible). The same goes for manipulations; they are faster, more memory efficient, and easier to implement in binary. With an 8-bit signed integer counting from 1900, the concerning overflows would occur in 2028, not 2000. A base 10 representation would require at least 8 bits to store a two digit number anyway. There is no advantage to a base 10 representation, and there never has been. For Y2K to have been anything more significant than a text formatting issue, a whole lot of programmers would have had to go out of their way to be really, really bad at their jobs. Also, usage of dates beyond 2000 would have increased gradually for decades leading up to it, so the idea it would be any sort of sudden catastrophe is absurd.